Parenting, Chronic Illness Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC Parenting, Chronic Illness Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC

7 Ways to Deal with Your Child’s Unexpected Diagnosis

As a parent, one needs to be ready to face all kinds of challenges. Like receiving a serious or sudden news regarding your child’s health, which can be destabilising in many ways. So, here’s a quick checklist of how you can responsibly handle your child’s health crisis and care for them without compromising your own emotional and mental well-being.

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Depression Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC Depression Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC

8 Ways to Support a Family Member with Depression

With around 5% adults suffering from depression according to the latest World Health Organization estimation globally, depression is one of the most common mental health disorders that humankind grapples with at present. Learn how to mindfully help a family member who is struggling with it.

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Parenting, LGBTQ+ Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC Parenting, LGBTQ+ Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC

How to Responsibly Respond to Your Child Coming Out

As we move towards a more inclusive world, parents need to equip themselves with the appropriate information and knowledge about LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities. This National Coming Out Day, learn about what you can do to foster a conducive and safe environment for your child who identifies as LGBTQIA+ and discloses about the same to you.

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Relationships, Communication, Conflict Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC Relationships, Communication, Conflict Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC

Your Guide to Difficult Conversations

We often tend to avoid talking about complex or sensitive subjects, which can negatively affect our relationships with friends and family. This leads to deep-rooted misunderstandings with the passage of time. Find out about how to mindfully broach such strenuous subjects with those close to you and resolve conflicts with ease.

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Relationships, Attachment Panorama Wellness Relationships, Attachment Panorama Wellness

Understanding Your Relationships Part 1

Relationships are such interesting things! You need them! You need those individuals you call “your people” or “your tribe”. You have likely shared some of your best wet-your-pants laughter with them. You’ve also probably shared some darker times. Maybe your people are the ones you always go to first. Yet, they may say things or do things at times that make you react in ways that even you find hard to understand about yourself!

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Nutrition Christy De Jaegher, RHN, OT Nutrition Christy De Jaegher, RHN, OT

Do Family Dinners Support Mental Health?

A Canadian study conducted through the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine researched the correlation between family dinners, communication and mental health in 26,069 adolescents. They found a positive association between the frequency of family dinners and emotional wellbeing, prosocial behavior and life satisfaction.

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Counselling Panorama Wellness Group Counselling Panorama Wellness Group

Recovering from Disappointment

Disappointment manifests when our hopes and expectations are not met.   It doesn’t feel good when things don’t go as we envisioned and the passage of time doesn’t always make a difference.  And now here you are at the end of January, wondering why you haven’t been able to get rid of those lingering feelings of disappointment. 

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Lisa Catallo, MA, RCC, CCC Lisa Catallo, MA, RCC, CCC

Six Types of Healthy Boundaries

Boundaries exist in many different areas of our lives, and yet we tend to think of them just in a relationship with friends and family. Today we share some information on six different areas that you might want to consider having some boundaries so that you can have a healthy and authentic relationship with yourself, others and things.

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Panorama Wellness Group Panorama Wellness Group

Five Ways to set Healthy Boundaries this Thanksgiving

Make your Thanksgiving more enjoyable this year by knowing what your boundaries are. Serena Graf provides 5 ways to set healthy boundaries for a more enjoyable time with family and friends.

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