Panorama Wellness Blog
Practical Tools and Tips for Navigating your Health and Wellness
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Three Ways To Connect As A Family That Don’t Include A Phone
In this modern era parents and guardians may struggle with connecting with their children and feel they are competing with increasing digital stimuli. Connection can be most effective in growing deeper bonds when technology is not readably accessible.
How to Manage Family Expectations During the Holidays
During the holidays, family expectations can be a challenge to manage. We all wish and hope that our family is as synergized and drama free as we imagine and we expect that our spouses, partners ,and kids can assimilate as smoothly as possible with their grandparents, cousins and in-laws. But what if they don’t or worse, what if our family gets chaotic?
7 Ways to Deal with Your Child’s Unexpected Diagnosis
As a parent, one needs to be ready to face all kinds of challenges. Like receiving a serious or sudden news regarding your child’s health, which can be destabilising in many ways. So, here’s a quick checklist of how you can responsibly handle your child’s health crisis and care for them without compromising your own emotional and mental well-being.
Tips for Maintaining Balance as a Working Mother of a Preschooler
Being a working parent can seem like an uphill battle at times, with very little scope of truly attaining a work-life balance essential for your mental health. Here are some simple yet effective ways to minimize your mental load and optimize your role both as a parent and a professional
8 Ways to Support a Family Member with Depression
With around 5% adults suffering from depression according to the latest World Health Organization estimation globally, depression is one of the most common mental health disorders that humankind grapples with at present. Learn how to mindfully help a family member who is struggling with it.
What I Learned About Navigating Pregnancy and Childcare During Pandemic Times
The isolation and limitations brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic were an adjustment for us all, but it truly transformed the experience of motherhood for expecting and new mothers. Here are a few suggestions to ease your maternal journey during similar troublesome periods.
How to Set Healthy Boundaries with Your Family this Holiday Season
The holidays can be overwhelming in general, even more so if you are recovering from trauma. Here are some simple ways you can organize or engage in family get-togethers while being mindful of your boundaries that can help in healing your trauma.
How to Responsibly Respond to Your Child Coming Out
As we move towards a more inclusive world, parents need to equip themselves with the appropriate information and knowledge about LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities. This National Coming Out Day, learn about what you can do to foster a conducive and safe environment for your child who identifies as LGBTQIA+ and discloses about the same to you.
Grandparents Day Reflections - Mridul Jagota
Having lost my maternal grandfather very recently, this Grandparents Day takes me down the memory lane, in ways like never before. Join me as I pay my homage to both my maternal grandparents, my Nanu and Nani, whom I shall continue to love and cherish forever.
Grandparents Day Reflection - Ashleigh Keizer
These people. Grandparents. They are part of the family lineage. Today, if you are able, and if it feels safe and right for you to do so, I invite you to spend a moment honouring them…in whatever feels authentic to you.
Your Guide to Difficult Conversations
We often tend to avoid talking about complex or sensitive subjects, which can negatively affect our relationships with friends and family. This leads to deep-rooted misunderstandings with the passage of time. Find out about how to mindfully broach such strenuous subjects with those close to you and resolve conflicts with ease.
Communication is Important Within Your Family
Maintaining consistent and healthy communication between the adults of the family can be difficult with constantly changing internal and external factors. Read on to know about strengthening your familial ties by communicating better.
5 Ways to Help Mothers Deal with and Productively Plan Summer Vacations
Summertime represents all things bright and warm, allowing us unique opportunities to spend time with family in meaningful ways. Here are a few tips that can aid you in navigating summer breaks with ease as a mom, while ensuring you stay stress-free and have some fun too.
What if your kids don’t want to come home for the holidays?
There are many reasons your kids may not want to come home for the holidays. As a parent, it’s important to recognize your role in the relationship, and that you are simply one part of their decision. Ashleigh shares some ways to help you cope with the disappointment you might be feeling.
Understanding Your Relationships Part 1
Relationships are such interesting things! You need them! You need those individuals you call “your people” or “your tribe”. You have likely shared some of your best wet-your-pants laughter with them. You’ve also probably shared some darker times. Maybe your people are the ones you always go to first. Yet, they may say things or do things at times that make you react in ways that even you find hard to understand about yourself!
Extending your Family: tips for building relationship with your partner’s parents
Oftentimes the relationship with in-laws is portrayed as difficult, strained or awkward. Though there is no one-size fits all approach to building and maintaining a relationship with your in-laws, here are some strategies that might help you communicate, set boundaries, and build connections!
Do Family Dinners Support Mental Health?
A Canadian study conducted through the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine researched the correlation between family dinners, communication and mental health in 26,069 adolescents. They found a positive association between the frequency of family dinners and emotional wellbeing, prosocial behavior and life satisfaction.
Recovering from Disappointment
Disappointment manifests when our hopes and expectations are not met. It doesn’t feel good when things don’t go as we envisioned and the passage of time doesn’t always make a difference. And now here you are at the end of January, wondering why you haven’t been able to get rid of those lingering feelings of disappointment.
Home For the Holidays
If you are a university student headed home for the holidays, you may be a bit anxious about what that is going to look like. Whitney Regan shares some practical ways to help you survive coming home again.
How can you support someone with an injury?
When you have a family member who has been injured, it can often feel like you’re going through some things that others don’t understand. You now have a role to fill, and you might be wondering how best to do that. Serena Graf shares some practical ways of navigating this.