Acupuncture Clara Park, Acupuncturist Acupuncture Clara Park, Acupuncturist

The Art of Comfort and Discomfort in Acupuncture

A common concern among newcomers and seasoned clients alike is the sensation experienced during acupuncture sessions. The dichotomy of comfort versus discomfort in acupuncture can significantly impact the effectiveness of the treatment and the your overall experience.

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emotions, Acupuncture, feelings, release Clara Park, Acupuncturist emotions, Acupuncture, feelings, release Clara Park, Acupuncturist

OMG, it’s Emotion!

Acupuncturists use hands and fingertips to palpate clients and to take their pulses. As our practice deepens, our hands and fingers become ears and eyes to the client’s body. In my session with clients, when I palpate their bodies, I often receive the energy that the body is holding as visual images and/or emotions through my hands. My sensitivity is more geared toward detecting emotions that are residing in the body and how they affect the overall health of the clients.

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Acupuncture Clara Park, Acupuncturist Acupuncture Clara Park, Acupuncturist

Trauma and Acupuncture

I’d like to invite you to consider the options of using acupuncture for helping emotional and physical difficulties caused by trauma. As you consider whether you’d be willing to try it or not, let me try to give you a bit of a picture of how acupuncture relates to trauma.

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Nutrition, Trauma-informed, Acupuncture, Counselling Lisa Catallo, MA, RCC, CCC Nutrition, Trauma-informed, Acupuncture, Counselling Lisa Catallo, MA, RCC, CCC

What is Big “T” and little ”t” Trauma?

The word trauma often causes people to think that we only deal with the really big stuff, so you might think that what you’re dealing with isn’t really big enough to go to counselling with. And yet nothing could be further from the truth.

In counsellor-speak, we understand that there is what we call big “T” trauma and little “t” trauma, and all of it matters.

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