Panorama Wellness Blog
Practical Tools and Tips for Navigating your Health and Wellness
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7 Ways Healthy Living Can Help Manage Anxiety
While anxiety is commonly associated with mental and emotional states, research shows that our physical well-being plays a significant role in managing it. Healthy living practices can support both your body and mind, providing a solid foundation for emotional regulation.
How to Help Your Kids Navigate Back-to-School Anxiety
Trying to convince a child that they should not be afraid does not ease anxiety, but rather continues to fuel it. So, if you shouldn’t ease your child’s anxiety in this way, what can you do to support your child with their worries and fears through this season?
Managing Anxiety in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Anxiety exists in all people and at any age. Anxiety is a natural and even necessary emotion that protects us from dangers and harmful actions. But sometimes, anxiety in children limits their behaviour and relationships, the child avoids doing some activities, or extreme fear. Therefore, it is very necessary to diagnose and treat anxiety in all children, especially children diagnosed with ASD and ADHD. In this blog, I fully discuss the anxiety of children with ADHD and ASD and ways to control it.
What is stress and how do I manage it?
Stress shows up differently among all individuals. Some may experience physical symptoms like aches and pains, chest pain, trouble sleeping, headaches, stomach issues and/or jaw clenching. Others may experience emotional and mental responses like panic attacks, irritability and/or depression. Here I share some ways to manage stress and how it shows up in your life.
Empowering Kids: 3 Effective Ways to Help Children Manage Anxiety
Anxiety is a natural part of everyone’s life, but when it becomes excessive, it can have a substantial influence on your child's general well-being and developmental progress. As parents, guardians, or carers, it is critical to provide the necessary support and resources to assist children in properly controlling their anxiety. In this blog, we'll look at three incredibly effective ways for teaching kids not only how to cope with anxiety, but also how to create resilience that will serve them well throughout their life.
How can art therapy help you manage your anxiety?
Art has been recognized as a powerful form of self-expression and a therapeutic tool for managing anxiety. Anxiety is a common mental health challenge that can affect individuals of all ages and backgrounds, often leading to heightened stress, worry, and discomfort. However, art can offer a unique and creative way to cope with anxiety.
What is the link between anxiety and grief?
When we are met with loss in our life, we are overwhelmed with a wave of emotions. The time proceeding a death is filled with immense sadness, confusion, frustration, anger and sometimes regret. In addition to this, some people may find that they are experiencing anxiety but it’s a symptom that is more often overlooked.
Social anxiety: Feeling lonely in a crowd
You might wonder at times why you struggle to want to get together or hang out with friends. It could seem strange (frustrating, even!) that you feel both lonely and anxious at the same time.
Your loneliness leads to some feelings of isolation, maybe sadness or what feels a bit like depression. You can’t seem to shake it or “get over” it.
Five Ways to Manage Your Anxiety
Anxiety shows up in many different ways - you might notice it in your emotions or in the way that your body responds. Ashleigh Keizer shares five ways to manage your anxiety.
Covid Blues
As we start on the 3rd year of this global pandemic, it feels like we are all stuck on a treadmill of doom and gloom. We have survived two years of tremendous uncertainty and upheaval to our way of life. What was supposed to be a short-term problem has become a weird new routine that involves much loss. This is traumatizing.
And we’re back to school…again!
And we’re back to school…and instead of providing you with a list or structural ideas for what to do, I would like to share a challenge that I equally have challenged myself with during the process of writing this blog, as well as a sort of activity that I’ve been contemplating for the weeks leading up to January.
Nutrition and Anxiety: 5 Common Eating Habits That Could Be Contributing to Your Anxiety
Although often overlooked, more and more research is finding evidence to support a strong link between dietary habits and symptoms of anxiety. Your diet may not be the underlying cause of your anxiety, however, there is evidence to support that adjusting your eating habits can play a significant role in the management of your anxiety symptoms, in turn enabling you to lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Learn how your nutrition can impact your anxiety, and which foods to limit or avoid to help manage your symptoms.