Counselling For Youth

Counselling for Children and Teens in Langley & Surrey, BC

Find the support you need for the whole family to thrive

As a parent or guardian, the only thing you want is for your child to be happy.

But even as children, life isn’t always an easy journey. Sometimes as your child or teen develops, they may need a little extra help to express their emotions or learn new ways to overcome their struggles.

There’s no way around it… growing up is hard. Even if you’ve done everything possible to give your child the best life, it doesn’t mean they won’t struggle or experience setbacks. Whether it’s making new friends, finding purpose, determining their sexuality or coping with unexpected trauma like death or divorce - there are many building blocks that come into play on our way to becoming adults.

But we know seeing them unhappy is heartbreaking. 

There’s nothing more difficult than watching your child become withdrawn, noticeably unhappy and uncomfortable, or transform from the well-behaved little human you know in the home to a disruptive child outside your front door. But we’re here to tell you, you’re not alone and you haven’t failed. Just because your child is struggling right now, doesn’t mean it’s forever. And sometimes no matter how hard you try to guide them, your child is going to go their own way and do their own thing.

That’s where Panorama Wellness comes in. 

At Panorama Wellness, we understand bringing up kids in the world isn't easy. It truly takes a village, which is why our professional team of therapists are here to support you and your family on your journey to wellness. Just like adults, your child may be experiencing obstacles they don’t know how to navigate in a way that feels easy or effective.

We believe counselling for youth is the best opportunity for your child to open up about what’s going on in their world. A neutral listener helps children and teens process their emotions and gain a new outlook or understanding to help them implement change.

As a multi-disciplinary group, each of our counsellors has a different skill set to offer and tailor our approach to each individual. We can help your child manage symptoms such as anxiety, depression, grief, and trauma, and learn the tools to self-regulate so they can manage their everyday lives with confidence.

Tools Your Child and Family Will Develop

How to better understand and support each other

How to process and express strong emotions

How to overcome triggers and stressors in a healthy way

How to practice self-love and find personal strengths

Together with our therapists, your child and/or family can find the courage to open up and the support to enjoy a bright future.