Parenting, Chronic Illness Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC Parenting, Chronic Illness Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC

7 Ways to Deal with Your Child’s Unexpected Diagnosis

As a parent, one needs to be ready to face all kinds of challenges. Like receiving a serious or sudden news regarding your child’s health, which can be destabilising in many ways. So, here’s a quick checklist of how you can responsibly handle your child’s health crisis and care for them without compromising your own emotional and mental well-being.

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Parenting, LGBTQ+ Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC Parenting, LGBTQ+ Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC

How to Responsibly Respond to Your Child Coming Out

As we move towards a more inclusive world, parents need to equip themselves with the appropriate information and knowledge about LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities. This National Coming Out Day, learn about what you can do to foster a conducive and safe environment for your child who identifies as LGBTQIA+ and discloses about the same to you.

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Play Therapy, Children Panorama Wellness Group Play Therapy, Children Panorama Wellness Group

5 Ways to Play with Your Child

The true potential of play materializes when parents actively participate in these activities with their children. Parental engagement in play not only fortifies the parent-child connection but also equips parents with a deeper understanding of their child's unique needs and interests. It enables parents to serve as role models for fundamental values and behaviours, including cooperation and effective communication, laying the foundation for a child's future relationships and overall well-being.

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Parenting Panorama Wellness Parenting Panorama Wellness

How to be fully present with your children when everyone's getting tired of summer break

There’s part of you that doesn’t want summer to end – because you know full well the mundane lunch making will soon be upon you. And (!) there’s a part of you that could really do with a little (maybe a lot of) structure. You have also noticed some days you feel a little guilty or maybe disengaged. You’re not feeling as present as you’d like.

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Secure Attachment, Attachment, Parenting Panorama Wellness Secure Attachment, Attachment, Parenting Panorama Wellness

How to Recognize Your Child’s Attachment Style

When you think about your parent-self, being curious about your child’s attachment style can be really helpful. Understanding your child’s attachment style can provide some insight – a bit of a window – into how you connect, why you might feel closer to one child than the other(s), or why clashes seem to come out of nowhere.

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Parenting, Fathers Day Mandy Purewal, MA, RCC Parenting, Fathers Day Mandy Purewal, MA, RCC

Father’s Day Reflections - Mandy Purewal

You can probably imagine that since my grandfather’s passing, Father’s Day hasn’t really felt the same for me. Even though I have found ways to honour him including taking a nature walk and lighting my grief candle, this day can feel more difficult than others without him. However, in this post, I wanted to extend a massive thank you to my Dad.

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Parenting, Fathers Day Panorama Wellness Parenting, Fathers Day Panorama Wellness

Father’s Day Reflections - Ashleigh Keizer

Father’s Day has always been a day I’ve anticipated without much emotion – you could say I was (and am!) neutral towards it. My memories and experiences are neither overwhelmingly amazing, nor terrible. Growing up, I recall this day to be full of gifting my dad with his favourites…like Pringles or Licorice Allsorts. Those snacks, to this day, remind me of my dad. (I notice a smile, even as I write those words.)

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Parenting, Secure Attachment, Attachment Panorama Wellness Parenting, Secure Attachment, Attachment Panorama Wellness

How do you have secure attachment with your graduate?

Your child is no longer a child. Your child is a full-grown human. They have a long way to go in the world of development and growth. But you are now the parent to a graduate. An adult. Today you are more of a consultant. Your child will come to you for insight, wisdom, a shoulder to cry on and sometimes even because you are a safe place to blow up in – they know you can hold space for them in this. Wow. What a privilege.

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Parenting, Mothers Day Panorama Wellness Parenting, Mothers Day Panorama Wellness

Mother’s Day Reflection - Kimberlee Bateman

Moving into this year’s celebration of Mother’s Day I find myself surprised at how at my age I still need the affection and nurture that my mom offers. You may feel the same way when you are faced with life’s inevitable twists and turns. Or maybe when you think of a mother’s love all you feel is a pang in your heart from not ever experiencing this in your own life.

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Parenting, Mothers Day Panorama Wellness Parenting, Mothers Day Panorama Wellness

Mother’s Day Reflection - Ashleigh Keizer

Mother’s Day brings with it such a mixture of emotions, thoughts, expectations and perhaps even triggering memories. You might notice you feel light and tingly excitement – maybe you’re even anticipating your first Mother’s Day. (If so – congratulations!!) There may be a part of you that cringes a little. You’d like the day to pass without a word, without a social media reminder, without interaction with others.

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