Father’s Day Reflections - Mandy Purewal

Father’s Day is less than a week away which means, my inbox this morning was filled with ads for golf gear, outdoor grills, Yeti coolers and deals on tie and sock combos. In the past, I have written about my grandfather’s passing and how this event in my life shined a spotlight on my path in becoming a counsellor. You can probably imagine that since my grandfather’s passing, Father’s Day hasn’t really felt the same for me. Even though I have found ways to honour him including taking a nature walk and lighting my grief candle, this day can feel more difficult than others without him. 

However, in this post, I wanted to extend a massive thank you to my Dad. My Dad has played such an integral role in my life. He has always taken the time to listen and hear me while guiding me through life without even always telling me what to do. He has had this silent way of showing me just how much he supports me and is proud of me without having to say those words out loud. My dad was the dad that would be at work at the crack of down and return well past our bedtime but never made us feel his void. He would make sure to be at every sports game, dance show, talent show and parent-teacher interview. He would make sure to plan weekend trips for us to spend time together as a family and actively help plan birthday parties for us.

Dad, thank you for always trying to do your best. By watching how you have lived your life, you have set an amazing example of a life to follow. You have worked tirelessly to provide for our family. Having been a new immigrant to Canada, I can’t imagine life was ever easy for you. You left everything and everyone you knew behind, came to a new country, learned a new language, become a business owner, had a family all while trying to assimilate to a western culture. You taught me how to appreciate and show respect to our culture and background while still being able to explore our individuality. You taught me to advocate for myself, step outside my comfort zone and set goals for myself while providing me with the tools and support to do so. 

Thank you for loving me unconditionally and supporting me whole-heartedly. Thank you for all that you have done, all that you continue to do and all that you have sacrificed. Being your daughter will always be my greatest honor. 

Mandy Purewal, MA, RCC

Mandy works from a trauma-informed perspective to help you with a variety of issues and struggles that you might be facing today. “We are all unique, so I make sure that each and every person I work with gets an individually tailored approach. I strive to listen and understand every aspect of you and your life and work with you, as a team, to identify the path to healing.”


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