Panorama Wellness Blog
Practical Tools and Tips for Navigating your Health and Wellness
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Six Ways to Reconnect as a Couple After Childbirth
It is completely normal to feel exhausted and wanting to disengage from time to time when you enter motherhood. One can face postpartum challenges even with their partner and with approaching intimacy as new parents. Read on to know about how you can work together as a team and focus better on your relationship during the trying post-pregnancy phase.
Meaningful & Affordable Ways to Connect with Your Partner
Dr. John Gottman reminds us of something important: connecting with your partner doesn't have to be complicated or costly, and that’s a comforting thought for many of us. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the notion that we need to impress our loved ones with grand gestures, but the truth is, a relationship can truly flourish when we embrace intentionality in the small, everyday moments. We all have a deep-seated need to feel seen and valued, especially by the person closest to us, and often it’s the little things offered with intention that feel significant.
How to Help Your Partner Achieve Their Goals
It’s important to understand that supporting each others’ endeavors whether they are big or small can strengthen your connection as well as individual personal growth.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Couples
DBT is a form of therapy that is used to reduce self harm behaviors, to decrease anger and other problems related to emotional regulation. However, DBT can also be very useful and beneficial during couples therapy by focusing on skills to improve dysfunctional behaviors related emotional regulation. You may be wondering what this means or even looks like in a relationship.
3 Ways to Stay Connected as the Fall Busyness Begins
In the anticipated days of the coming Fall months as new schedules arrive, we ask ourselves how do we stay intentionally connected with one another?
How do we care for our partners and our relationship?
How can we do “small things often” to build our relationship?
Think of coming home from work after an awful day. Maybe you had a customer who was challenging, or a business meeting that may not have ended well. Maybe your car battery ran out and you had to travel longer in the rain, or your child was unwell all night and you haven’t slept a wink. What small things do you think would bring a smile to your face or a sigh of relief after facing such challenges?
What Can I Expect from Couples Counselling?
You may be at a point in your relationship where you realize that you want couples counselling, but you’re unsure about what to expect from it and how it would work if you chose to pursue it with your partner.
This blog is for you! I’ll help you to understand what couples counselling is, what you can expect from your time, and also three ways couples counselling can be approached for it to be the most effective. I will also note a few misconceptions that I have heard surrounding couples counselling and what might be helpful to consider instead.
Post-Traumatic Relationship Syndrome and its Impact on Your Personal Life
As life-altering as experiencing trauma in your relationships is, it should not prevent you from experiencing intimacy and romance in the future. Learn about the various ways relationship trauma manifests itself and how to deal with it in an informed manner.
Connect with your spouse in the busyness of Fall
One suggestion is to be intentional in planning time together with your partner. This doesn’t have to be daily, and it doesn’t mean taking hours out of your weekly schedule. Planning small pockets of time to sit together, talk (not about work, kids, pets, or schedules) is deeply important. Spending even ten minutes daily sitting quietly together, can be significant. You might want to create a boundary that you only want to know about your partner. Sitting with, listening, touching, and empathizing with your partner (and them with you)…these are almost like micro-moments. Their effect is powerful, however.
How Trauma Affects Your Sexual Health
Since the conception of sexual behaviors and performance are all rooted in the brain, mental well-being has a direct correlation with these intimate aspects of our lives. On this World Sexual Health Day, learn about what trauma is and how it impacts your brain and creates obstacles in your sex life.
How does marriage counselling work?
You may be considering couples (or marriage) counselling for you and your partner. Perhaps you’ve been together for what feels like a hot second. Maybe, you feel you’ve been together forever and the relationship is feeling a little stagnant. Conflict may be high, or it could be the mundaneness of your relationship that you’re finding makes for a feeling of being stuck. And you’re wondering if marriage counselling can work for you.
Do You Have to Share Your Emotions in Order to Have a Good Relationship With Your Partner?
You are not alone if the thought of sharing your emotions brings up some fear or frustration. One reason sharing deeper things about yourself can be so challenging is that you might feel you are opening yourself up to either intimacy or judgment.
You, Your Partner, and Your Relationships Part II
Learning what healthy love, attachment and relationships look like in a safe and ongoing context can help you adjust your attachment style.
How do you know if your relationship has come to an end?
So how do you know if your relationship has come to the end? Or if you continue to commit to it? There is no simple way of figuring this out – there is no handbook or miracle question you can ask yourself or your partner. But there are cues and signs of a healthy versus unhealthy relationship.
How can I communicate better with my partner?
Communication can strain a relationship and it is so important to understand what you and your partner need when it comes to communicating with one another. I truly believe that communication can either make or break a relationship. Poor communication between you and your partner can cause stress and emotional turmoil. Which is why many couples seek counselling when communication styles conflict, cause anxiety and one or both partners feel like they are walking on eggshells around each other. Does this sound like you? Do you want to improve how you communicate with your partner?
What is counselling like?
When you picture going to a counsellor what comes to mind? Laying on a couch? Crying uncontrollably the whole session? Maybe you picture it being hard work because of the things that you need help with or have been putting off for so long. So what is counselling actually like?
Each therapist has their own unique way of running their sessions, but at Panorama Wellness Group there are some key core elements in how the counselling process works.
How do I choose the right counsellor?
You’ve decided that talking to your friends and your hairdresser isn’t giving you the help you need. You want to find someone who is purposeful about helping you find solutions and healing and has the proper training to do so. So you start your search for a counsellor to help you reach your goals for a healthier you. But how do you know what you’re looking for?
10 questions to help you connect with your spouse
Are you wanting to build your friendship with your spouse? Start by asking questions that help you get to know each other again.