Strengthening Boundary Setting through Journaling

The word boundaries mean many things to many people.  In general, though, healthy boundaries indicate healthy and authentic relationships with ourselves and others. One of the more common ways that our boundaries are crossed is when we do not appreciate ourselves.  We seek this approval and appreciation from others and constantly wish that others would have more time and energy in appreciating you. One of the pillars in addressing boundary trespassers is by being made aware of what is happening.  And awareness is built once we can identify and untangle the complex emotions felt when this happens.  If you can identify and relate to any of the points above, consider trying to journal to identify what boundaries you want in your life and relationships. 

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Boundaries, Marriage Counselling Panorama Wellness Boundaries, Marriage Counselling Panorama Wellness

How can you have healthy boundaries in your marriage over the holidays?

You want this year to be better. For you, for your partner, for your kids. This year just has to be better. You’re not sure how, but the blurred lines that can be cause for communication breakdowns, ruptures (unnoticeable as well as very noticeable), and disappointment…you just don’t want them to steal from your holiday season.

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Coping Tools Mandy Purewal, MA, RCC Coping Tools Mandy Purewal, MA, RCC

Three Grounding Techniques to use at Work

I realize more than ever the importance of incorporating grounding techniques to ensure that feelings of anxiety and stress are kept at par during our work days. These techniques help guide individuals to refocus on the present moment and create space between anxious feelings.

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Relationships Panorama Wellness Group Relationships Panorama Wellness Group

Navigating Your First Christmas as a Couple

Perhaps this is your first Christmas with a new partner or as a married couple, and you’re wondering, how’s this going to go? The thought of sharing the holidays with a partner or spouse could bring up a myriad of emotions – excitement, relief, anxiety, curiosity, gratitude, sadness… you name it! Read on for some helpful tips for how to manage your time (and emotions) as a couple this holiday season.

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Boundaries Angela Davison, MA, RCC, CCC Boundaries Angela Davison, MA, RCC, CCC

Setting Boundaries over the Holidays

Boundaries are a way to do what is acceptable and satisfying for you and your relationships as opposed to only thinking of others. Setting boundaries over the holidays can help you enjoy your time, energy and relationships in a new and more authentic way.

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Relationships Panorama Wellness Relationships Panorama Wellness

Holiday gatherings can be positive for your mental health

Everyone anticipates, responds and reacts in different ways when it comes to holidays…or really, any social or family gathering. You may chalk it up to a dysfunctional family (everyone has a little dysfunction in there somewhere!) or the pressure that these occasions bring. And yet, these gatherings can be positive for your mental health. Let Ashleigh show you how!

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Panorama Wellness Panorama Wellness

COVID Mandates Drop – So now what??

This is somewhat old news by now, but the majority of the COVID-19 mandates have dropped! For many this is exciting and celebratory; for others, it is stressful and confusing, especially as people are still getting sick from COVID. All of these reactions are normal…as normal as any of this can be. If you are celebrating, I am so glad you are able to do so! If you are anxious or a combination of both - here are some tips for navigating these new waters.

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Lisa Catallo, MA, RCC, CCC Lisa Catallo, MA, RCC, CCC

How do we handle social media?

At Panorama Wellness Group, we see social media as being a good tool for letting you know that we exist, the services we provide, and so that you can get a sense of our personalities. That being said, as therapists, it is important to each of us that we handle this responsibly and in a way that protects you and the relationship that you have with whichever practitioner you are seeing at Panorama.

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Lisa Catallo, MA, RCC, CCC Lisa Catallo, MA, RCC, CCC

You’re a hairdresser…not a counsellor.

These are memes and sayings that you might see on Facebook, and let’s face it, some of the beliefs of your current clients.  They come in for a haircut and leave feeling lighter not only because there’s less hair, but because they got to unload.  On you.

The setting that you provide primes your client to feel like they can share what’s going on for them…

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Lisa Catallo, MA, RCC, CCC Lisa Catallo, MA, RCC, CCC

Six Types of Healthy Boundaries

Boundaries exist in many different areas of our lives, and yet we tend to think of them just in a relationship with friends and family. Today we share some information on six different areas that you might want to consider having some boundaries so that you can have a healthy and authentic relationship with yourself, others and things.

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Panorama Wellness Group Panorama Wellness Group

Learn how to set Healthy Boundaries in January 2021

You know that you need some healthy boundaries in your life, but you’re not sure where to get started. Learn more about the Building Healthy Boundaries Group that Lindsay Ries is running January 2021

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Panorama Wellness Group Panorama Wellness Group

Five Ways to set Healthy Boundaries this Thanksgiving

Make your Thanksgiving more enjoyable this year by knowing what your boundaries are. Serena Graf provides 5 ways to set healthy boundaries for a more enjoyable time with family and friends.

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Panorama Wellness Group Panorama Wellness Group

How is it almost October??

Sometimes we are so hard on ourselves because we don’t look like every other parent – their kids are in three different sports, they volunteer, they are a part of the parent advisory committee, and their house is spotless. Trust me, if they have all their crap together on the outside, they don’t look the same on the inside. Give yourself some compassion. Nobody is perfect.

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