COVID Mandates Drop – So now what??

This is somewhat old news by now, but the majority of the COVID-19 mandates have dropped! For many this is exciting and celebratory; for others, it is stressful and confusing, especially as people are still getting sick from COVID.  All of these reactions are normal…as normal as any of this can be.  If you are celebrating, I am so glad you are able to do so!  If you are anxious or a combination of both -  here are some tips for navigating these new waters. 

  1. Feel your feelings (a classic counsellor comment, I know).  Give yourself permission to feel excited, nervous, scared, or any emotion in between.  There is not a “right way” to feel about these continued changes and the unknown days ahead.  Talk to your people, journal, or walk it out.  Continue to use your grounding and coping skills to deal with the wide array of feelings that could pop up.  

  2. Just because the mandates are over, doesn’t mean you have to drop your own personal precautions.  If you feel more comfortable, please feel free to keep wearing masks, stay six feet away from others, and stay home if you are feeling under the weather.  Maintaining the previously recommended precautions can give you a sense of safety and control as you navigate the next stages of the pandemic.  Assert your personal health boundaries with family and friends in order to be able to socialize and build community.  This will help with figuring out how you/your family wants to transition to another new normal.  

  3. Do the d*mn thing.  Book the trip, cross the US border (there is cheap gas and Trader Joes on the other side!), go to the concert, attend the yoga class … you get the picture.  Evaluate your comfort/risk level and begin to participate in activities that you have been waiting to do for the last 2+ years.  Start slow and build your activity level from there.  

  4. Plan to be flexible – recognize that it is possible that there will be changes in public health measures or that your event this Fall will be cancelled last minute due to COVID outbreaks.  Give space for personal or professionally organized events that need to be cancelled in order to keep the community safe.  This is disappointing and would be more so if your expectations are rigid in nature.  Plan for events and activities to be rescheduled/rain checked in order to keep your expectations more realistic and grounded in the present.  

  5. Talk to your doctor to see if vaccinations/boosters are right for you. Vaccinations and boosters may continue to be required to attend certain events/preferred by family or friends.  Consult with your family doctor to see what is the best course of action for your individual health needs.  This could also be a good opportunity to begin the conversation regarding supplements and or medications for mood and anxiety if those are issues that continue to prevent you from being able to function at your best.  

If you are finding it difficult to take steps forward, reach out and ask for support.  Trauma responses frequently begin 6 months AFTER the trauma/crisis is over.  That means that many people will begin to notice that they are experiencing trauma symptoms, even though we are moving forward with reopening our communities and cities.  Having a trained professional help you navigate how you move forward can help you explore what isn’t working for you, work through some of the reasons it’s hard to move forward, and practice telling people what you are willing and not willing to do.  Talking to a professional can help with developing a new perspective and action plan when you feel stuck in a rut of sadness and or anxiety.  Panorama Wellness Group therapists are specifically trained to address the trauma that resulted from living through the COVID-19 pandemic and will help you resolve these symptoms.  

COVID-19 has taught us that unexpected and challenging obstacles can pop up in a blink of an eye.  We have also all learned how to cope with resilience and grit – especially if you are reading a therapy blog post.  You’ve got this.  We’ve got this.  Each step forward is an opportunity to learn and grow.  Now, go do the d*mn thing, learning and growing as you go. 


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