RMT Carolyn Schmidt, RMT RMT Carolyn Schmidt, RMT

Easy Tips for Neck, Back, and Shoulder Comfort (Part 1 of 3)

In our tech-driven world, we spend a lot of time looking down, which can lead to what’s known as “forward head posture.” This posture causes the muscles in the front of your neck and shoulders to tighten and the muscles in the back of your neck and upper back to overwork. Over time, this imbalance can lead to discomfort and even pain.

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RMT, Massage Therapy Carolyn Schmidt, RMT RMT, Massage Therapy Carolyn Schmidt, RMT

From Tension to Release: How Trauma Informed Massage Therapy Aims to Ease Chronic Discomfort

Importantly, trauma-informed massage does not involve reliving or discussing past traumatic events. Instead, it focuses on gently and respectfully tracking sensations in the body as tension is released. This ensures that tension is not released too aggressively, which could cause the body to revert to its protective holding pattern.

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Parenting, Chronic Illness Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC Parenting, Chronic Illness Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC

7 Ways to Deal with Your Child’s Unexpected Diagnosis

As a parent, one needs to be ready to face all kinds of challenges. Like receiving a serious or sudden news regarding your child’s health, which can be destabilising in many ways. So, here’s a quick checklist of how you can responsibly handle your child’s health crisis and care for them without compromising your own emotional and mental well-being.

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Forgiveness Shinnie Steven, RCC Forgiveness Shinnie Steven, RCC

Forgiveness and Healing

Signs of unforgiveness can include negative emotions when thinking about the person or event, bursts of anger disproportionate to the situation, feelings of depression or anxiety, inability to trust, and overgeneralization.

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Acupuncture Clara Park, Acupuncturist Acupuncture Clara Park, Acupuncturist

The Art of Comfort and Discomfort in Acupuncture

A common concern among newcomers and seasoned clients alike is the sensation experienced during acupuncture sessions. The dichotomy of comfort versus discomfort in acupuncture can significantly impact the effectiveness of the treatment and the your overall experience.

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Adult Relationships, Neurodivergence Jodi Bridges, RCC Adult Relationships, Neurodivergence Jodi Bridges, RCC

Embracing the Strengths of Neurodivergence in Relationships

Neurodivergence encompasses various perspectives and experiences, which may differ from conventional societal norms. As a counsellor, I recognize the unique assets it brings to relationships. Rather than focusing solely on challenges, let's explore how neurodivergent traits can enrich and enhance our connections. We can refer to these traits as strengths or forces!

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EMDR, Teens Victoria Daniel, MSW, RSW, RCC EMDR, Teens Victoria Daniel, MSW, RSW, RCC

Does EMDR work for Teens?

You may have experienced some really heavy things in your past, or even now. It may be hard to focus at school, let alone when you hang out with friends and family. You may be curious to try EMDR. Maybe you have seen a Tik Tok on it, a friend talked about it, or maybe you have no idea what it is. EMDR can help support you in healing.

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Relationships, Communication, Conflict Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC Relationships, Communication, Conflict Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC

Your Guide to Difficult Conversations

We often tend to avoid talking about complex or sensitive subjects, which can negatively affect our relationships with friends and family. This leads to deep-rooted misunderstandings with the passage of time. Find out about how to mindfully broach such strenuous subjects with those close to you and resolve conflicts with ease.

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Values Lisa Catallo Values Lisa Catallo

What are the values of Panorama Wellness Group?

We want you to know that we believe that we value the same things you do, and that the general understanding is similar between you and your therapist. We want to answer your question – what are the values at Panorama Wellness Group?

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Trauma-informed Panorama Wellness Trauma-informed Panorama Wellness

Why Are You Not Looking Forward to Fall?

The summer has flown by. You wanted all those relaxing, bucket-filling things because the Fall is hard for you. It’s strange and a bit disheartening because everyone you know loves Fall.

This can leave you wondering why you might not be looking forward to the Fall. Yet the Fall can be triggering for some people.

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Adults Panorama Wellness Adults Panorama Wellness

What is Adult ADHD?

In the last 5 to 10 years, we have learned so much about ADHD and what the symptoms look like that we’re seeing people who were not diagnosed as a child are now being diagnosed in adulthood.

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Nutrition Christy De Jaegher, RHN, OT Nutrition Christy De Jaegher, RHN, OT

Do Family Dinners Support Mental Health?

A Canadian study conducted through the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine researched the correlation between family dinners, communication and mental health in 26,069 adolescents. They found a positive association between the frequency of family dinners and emotional wellbeing, prosocial behavior and life satisfaction.

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