Direct Billing Options at Panorama Wellness Group

As I write this blog, it is the summer of 2024 and a time when it feels like every single thing I pay for has increased double-fold in cost over the last year or two.

This reality can make it difficult to prioritize taking care of yourself. And yet the need for emotional, physical or mental wellbeing doesn’t decrease when finances are tight. In fact that can make things feel even harder.

That is one of the reasons why I wanted to share with you that another thing that 2024 has brought us here at Panorama Wellness, is more access to direct billing options for our clients.

It used to be that extended healthcare benefits programs wouldn’t allow counsellors or counselling practices submit to them directly for the cost of our services. Now there are are a number of options for us and for you.

Here is a list of ones that we are currently able to utilize for direct billing:


  • SSQ Insurance 

  • Autism Funding Branch 

  • BCI Consulting 

  • CVAP 

  • FNHA 

  • Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services 

  • Heritage Christian Online School 

  • ICBC 

  • Langley School District Foundation

  • Medavie Blue Cross  

  • Salvation Army  

  • SelfDesign 

  • Variety 

  • Medic Construction

  • Telus e-Health

    • Telus e-Health has a number of providers that it offers, and it you access this page on their website, it will show you which extended healthcare benefits will allow counselling, RMT or acupuncture to use direct billing.

If you aren’t sure if your benefits provider will allow us to direct bill, please reach out to our front desk, and we will look into the process and if we are able to help you out in this way.

If you are looking for counselling in Langley or Surrey or virtually throughout BC and would like to access direct billing options, please reach out today. Similarly, we have RMT and acupuncture in our Langley office, and as these services are typically covered under extended healthcare benefits or healthcare spending accounts, you may be able to get the help you need in a way that fits with your budget.


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