Easy Tips for Neck, Back, and Shoulder Comfort (Part 2 of 3)


Pinch Those Shoulder Blades for Better Posture and Less Pain!

Do you spend hours at a desk, chopping veggies, or taking care of kids? Modern life can leave us in positions that pull our heads and shoulders forward, creating discomfort in our neck, back, and shoulders. But don’t worry! There are simple ways to counteract this.

Tip #2: Pinch Your Shoulder Blades Together!

Why Should You Pinch Your Shoulder Blades?

  • Strengthen Muscles: Pinching your shoulder blades together activates and strengthens the muscles in your upper back. This helps pull your shoulders back into a better position, reducing strain on the muscles that support your neck and upper back.

  • Reduce Muscle Tension and Pain: Improving your posture reduces muscle tension build-up. When your shoulders are back and down, the muscles around your neck and shoulders are more relaxed, which can alleviate pain and discomfort.

  • Create Muscle Balance: Many people have weak muscles in their upper back and overly tight muscles in their chest and front shoulders. Pinching the shoulder blades helps balance this out by engaging and strengthening the upper back muscles and gently stretching the front shoulder muscles, leading to better overall muscle balance.

How to Remember to Do It?

Making this a habit is the key! Here are some ideas:

  1. Set a Reminder: Use your phone to remind you to pinch your shoulder blades every hour.

  2. Combine with Daily Tasks: Do it while waiting for your coffee to brew or your food to heat up.

  3. Listen to Your Body: If you start feeling tight or uncomfortable, that’s your cue to pinch those blades together!

Repeating this exercise 5-10 times, twice a day can help create positive change.

Remember: If any movements cause pain, discontinue and consult a health professional for a more tailored plan.

Check back soon for Part 3, where we’ll explore another effective tip for neck, back, and shoulder comfort!

Carolyn Schmidt, RMT

I am a trauma informed Registered Massage Therapist who helps people release tension related to pain and trauma. I believe in creating a foundation of care and safety from which comfort and ease can flow. My gentle (but firm) approach to relieving tension and pain allows for the investigation of hard to resolve or chronic conditions in a way that respects your body’s limits.


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