Panorama Wellness Blog
Practical Tools and Tips for Navigating your Health and Wellness
- ADHD 2
- AEDP 1
- Acupressure Massage 1
- Acupuncture 8
- Adult Relationships 2
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- Anxiety 12
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- Christy de Jaegher 1
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- Coping Tools 7
- Counselling 25
- Counselling for Men 2
- Couple Counselling 10
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- Danleigh Sokerov 1
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- Holistic Nutrition 16
- Jamie Johnson 1
- Kimberlee Bateman 1
- LGBTQ+ 1
COVID Mandates Drop – So now what??
This is somewhat old news by now, but the majority of the COVID-19 mandates have dropped! For many this is exciting and celebratory; for others, it is stressful and confusing, especially as people are still getting sick from COVID. All of these reactions are normal…as normal as any of this can be. If you are celebrating, I am so glad you are able to do so! If you are anxious or a combination of both - here are some tips for navigating these new waters.
Covid Blues
As we start on the 3rd year of this global pandemic, it feels like we are all stuck on a treadmill of doom and gloom. We have survived two years of tremendous uncertainty and upheaval to our way of life. What was supposed to be a short-term problem has become a weird new routine that involves much loss. This is traumatizing.
And we’re back to school…again!
And we’re back to school…and instead of providing you with a list or structural ideas for what to do, I would like to share a challenge that I equally have challenged myself with during the process of writing this blog, as well as a sort of activity that I’ve been contemplating for the weeks leading up to January.
Covid-19 has been a traumatic event
Chances are that when you think of trauma, you think of it as something that happens to other people. Or that what you have experienced isn’t nearly as bad as someone who has been raped or lived through war, so it can’t possibly be something you can complain about or have to heal from.
And yet this pandemic has likely been overwhelming for you at times, and has changed how you operate in the world.
How to lower your anxiety about returning to school
All of us have been affected by Covid in one way or another. We have all had to adjust how we cope in life and interact with others. I believe that our teenagers’ experience has a few more nuances added to it. It’s important that we acknowledge the loss and grief that some teens have experienced and that they will never be able to experience school the way it was. This article was written to help them navigate the anxiety that this might be producing as they return to school this year.
5 Ways to Improve Your Friendship Post-Pandemic
Some of us easily connected with friends prior to COVID-19. Yet after the onset of the pandemic many of us felt disconnected or estranged from them. You may have sensed that some friends devolved into acquaintances. Other friendships may have become lackluster or stagnate. When you are feeling that a friendship has fallen on hard times, you may be frustrated, hurt, angry, or unsure how or if the friendship should continue.
Take a deep breath and have no fear. That friendship of yours that you sense has an end date may have some hope in it yet. Here are 5 ways to improve your friendships.
Return to “Normal” after Covid
As we in BC move towards lessened restrictions and our communities opening up again, you probably feel a mix of emotions: apprehension, excitement, relief, frustration, grief, and maybe even disbelief. So, what can we do to help ourselves as we figure out how to return to “normal”?
How To Help Your Relationship Survive COVID-19
Covid-19 has affected us all in different ways. If you are partnered, you may be searching for new ways to relate, resolve issues, or simply be together. So, how can you move through this perhaps once in a lifetime event with your relationship intact? Duncan Keist offers 5 ways that can help you connect with your spouse again.
How does the first anniversary of Covid-19 affect you?
We’ve just survived the first year of Covid-19. You may be noticing a variety of emotions right now. When we observe anniversaries, it can affect us in ways that we aren’t really aware of. Lisa Catallo shares some things to look out for and tips on how to care for yourself in the midst of this not so fun anniversary.
You’re a hairdresser…not a counsellor.
These are memes and sayings that you might see on Facebook, and let’s face it, some of the beliefs of your current clients. They come in for a haircut and leave feeling lighter not only because there’s less hair, but because they got to unload. On you.
The setting that you provide primes your client to feel like they can share what’s going on for them…
Self-Regulation Tips for Teens
You’re sitting in class, or at your computer, waiting for the teacher to begin the lesson. You forgot to complete the assignment that was due today because you felt tired for “no real reason”. Or you tried looking at it, but then nothing made sense, so you closed your computer.
You know that you will have to try and explain to your parents or teacher (or both!) of why you can’t “just do it”...
5 Ways to Care for your Mental Health in a Pandemic
As the months have dragged on, you may have noticed your mental health is starting to struggle a bit as a result of the pandemic we are experiencing. Lisa Catallo shared 5 ways that you can practically take steps to care for your mental and emotional health during this difficult time.