And we’re back to school…again!

And, we’re back! Back to school…back to new/fresh starts…back to slowly longer days…and soon, back to the start of a new semester. In all honesty, I wrote a whole blog post prior to this one, and after completing it, I took a lean back in my chair and basically scrapped the whole thing. I took a few days away writing to process my thoughts and emotions, and gave myself permission to just sit with those feelings. 

I couldn’t help but feel a bit frustrated at my lack of creativity (first draft was a bit of a ‘negative Nancy’ vibe), and my lack of providing tangible step-by-step skills or tools to help others accomplish their New Year’s goals. This process made me wrestle with the expectations I had placed on myself, and my feeling of frustration resulted from not being true to my current feelings and accepting them as, quite honest, normal. So instead of providing you with a list or structural ideas for what to do, I would like to share a challenge that I equally have challenged myself with during the process of writing this, as well as a sort of activity that I’ve been contemplating for the weeks leading up to January. 

This activity is to find a word…a single word…that can encompass a goal, encouragement, or daily mantra that is speaking to you now.

Let me explain. 

At this time of year, I tend to feel overwhelmed with “new (fill in the blank) routine” and “start the New Year with the new you”. While this can be inspiring at first, the trends to change burn quickly out, and then I become paralyzed by the amount of potential change while having limited energy or ability to commit to an ‘all-or-failure’ mindset.  

Choosing a singular word, which can be associated with a goal, or simply a reminder or encouragement for this season or year, can create clarity and peace without judgment of inaction. 

I previously mentioned my frustration with myself and the inner critic that is a part of me. I want to acknowledge this part of me, and without being harsh, I want to provide them an alternative word to access as a means of self-compassion. 

So here’s the profound moment you have come to while reading…my word…and that is…(dramatic pause)




One might say even basic. 


For me, this can look like rest. It could look like time with friends. It could look like work. It could even look like physical activity. 

The word ‘heal’ is both a verb and a noun as it creates space for me to acknowledge my whole being, see my struggles, then make space for whatever ‘heal’ presents as.

As we are moving through many different challenges as a society and as individuals, to be able to express and find a focus that connects with all parts of ourselves shifts the focus from a critical eye to a compassionate lens.

With new starts on the horizon, whether that be a new semester, a new job, new opportunities, or new friendships, connecting with a word, and then defining the word to suit your own personal meaning, can instill the confidence and courage to move through this season with compassion. What can your word be this year?

If you have found that something I shared in this article has struck a chord with you, and you’d like to talk about it or get some support, please reach out to us. We have counsellors who have immediate availability and can help you navigate the things that you are going through right now, and help you find healing within.


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