Panorama Wellness Blog
Practical Tools and Tips for Navigating your Health and Wellness
- ADHD 2
- AEDP 1
- Acupressure Massage 1
- Acupuncture 8
- Adult Relationships 2
- Adults 1
- Affairs 1
- Anxiety 12
- Art therapy 1
- Attachment 7
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- Barriers 1
- Boundaries 4
- Children 8
- Christy de Jaegher 1
- Chronic Illness 1
- Clinical Counselling 2
- Communication 4
- Community Connections 5
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- Conflict 1
- Coping Tools 7
- Counselling 25
- Counselling for Men 2
- Couple Counselling 10
- Culture 1
- Cupping 1
- DBT 1
- Danleigh Sokerov 1
- Depression 2
- Direct Billing 1
- EMDR 4
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- Emotions 1
- Family 5
- Fathers Day 3
- Finances 2
- Forgiveness 1
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- Getting Started 1
- Grandparents 4
- Grief 2
- Gut Health 1
- Holidays 6
- Holistic Nutrition 16
- Jamie Johnson 1
- Kimberlee Bateman 1
- LGBTQ+ 1
How to Responsibly Respond to Your Child Coming Out
As we move towards a more inclusive world, parents need to equip themselves with the appropriate information and knowledge about LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities. This National Coming Out Day, learn about what you can do to foster a conducive and safe environment for your child who identifies as LGBTQIA+ and discloses about the same to you.
How to be fully present with your children when everyone's getting tired of summer break
There’s part of you that doesn’t want summer to end – because you know full well the mundane lunch making will soon be upon you. And (!) there’s a part of you that could really do with a little (maybe a lot of) structure. You have also noticed some days you feel a little guilty or maybe disengaged. You’re not feeling as present as you’d like.
Communication is Important Within Your Family
Maintaining consistent and healthy communication between the adults of the family can be difficult with constantly changing internal and external factors. Read on to know about strengthening your familial ties by communicating better.
How to Recognize Your Child’s Attachment Style
When you think about your parent-self, being curious about your child’s attachment style can be really helpful. Understanding your child’s attachment style can provide some insight – a bit of a window – into how you connect, why you might feel closer to one child than the other(s), or why clashes seem to come out of nowhere.
5 Ways to Help Mothers Deal with and Productively Plan Summer Vacations
Summertime represents all things bright and warm, allowing us unique opportunities to spend time with family in meaningful ways. Here are a few tips that can aid you in navigating summer breaks with ease as a mom, while ensuring you stay stress-free and have some fun too.
Father’s Day Reflections - Mandy Purewal
You can probably imagine that since my grandfather’s passing, Father’s Day hasn’t really felt the same for me. Even though I have found ways to honour him including taking a nature walk and lighting my grief candle, this day can feel more difficult than others without him. However, in this post, I wanted to extend a massive thank you to my Dad.
How do you have secure attachment with your graduate?
Your child is no longer a child. Your child is a full-grown human. They have a long way to go in the world of development and growth. But you are now the parent to a graduate. An adult. Today you are more of a consultant. Your child will come to you for insight, wisdom, a shoulder to cry on and sometimes even because you are a safe place to blow up in – they know you can hold space for them in this. Wow. What a privilege.