Panorama Wellness Blog
Practical Tools and Tips for Navigating your Health and Wellness
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Six Ways to Reconnect as a Couple After Childbirth
It is completely normal to feel exhausted and wanting to disengage from time to time when you enter motherhood. One can face postpartum challenges even with their partner and with approaching intimacy as new parents. Read on to know about how you can work together as a team and focus better on your relationship during the trying post-pregnancy phase.
Four Tips for Neurodivergent Moms Navigating Their Postpartum Journey
Every mom experiences postpartum uniquely, and some may have challenges related to executive functioning, sensory sensitivities emotional regulation and parenting style. If you're navigating these challenges, I want to reassure you that your feelings and struggles are valid and not uncommon.
Managing Big Emotions During the Postpartum Period
Hormonal shifts are a significant factor in the emotional changes that many new moms experience. After childbirth, the levels of hormones like estrogen and progesterone drop suddenly, which can affect mood and emotional stability. For example, you might feel joyful one moment and tearful the next without a clear reason. These changes are inevitable in the post partum period and can be challenging to manage.
Oh Baby, baby..How was I supposed to know!
Bringing a child into the world is often depicted as one of life's most beautiful and profound experiences like in a scene in one of those Hallmark movies. However, for many mothers, the reality of childbirth can be far from the idyllic image portrayed in movies and magazines covers.