Relationships, Couple Counselling, Attachment Panorama Wellness Relationships, Couple Counselling, Attachment Panorama Wellness

Connect with your spouse in the busyness of Fall

One suggestion is to be intentional in planning time together with your partner. This doesn’t have to be daily, and it doesn’t mean taking hours out of your weekly schedule. Planning small pockets of time to sit together, talk (not about work, kids, pets, or schedules) is deeply important. Spending even ten minutes daily sitting quietly together, can be significant. You might want to create a boundary that you only want to know about your partner. Sitting with, listening, touching, and empathizing with your partner (and them with you)…these are almost like micro-moments. Their effect is powerful, however.

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Secure Attachment, Attachment, Parenting Panorama Wellness Secure Attachment, Attachment, Parenting Panorama Wellness

How to Recognize Your Child’s Attachment Style

When you think about your parent-self, being curious about your child’s attachment style can be really helpful. Understanding your child’s attachment style can provide some insight – a bit of a window – into how you connect, why you might feel closer to one child than the other(s), or why clashes seem to come out of nowhere.

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Marriage Counselling, Relationships, Attachment Panorama Wellness Marriage Counselling, Relationships, Attachment Panorama Wellness

How Does Anxious Attachment Affect a Marriage?

If you notice that your happiness is often dependent upon your partner’s happiness, you recognize a need to be in communication with them frequently or feel panicked when they don’t return the gesture, or you notice even your behaviour changes when you feel your relationship is in any way unstable, you may have an anxious attachment style.

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Relationships Panorama Wellness Relationships Panorama Wellness

Holiday gatherings can be positive for your mental health

Everyone anticipates, responds and reacts in different ways when it comes to holidays…or really, any social or family gathering. You may chalk it up to a dysfunctional family (everyone has a little dysfunction in there somewhere!) or the pressure that these occasions bring. And yet, these gatherings can be positive for your mental health. Let Ashleigh show you how!

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Relationships, Attachment Panorama Wellness Relationships, Attachment Panorama Wellness

Understanding Your Relationships Part 1

Relationships are such interesting things! You need them! You need those individuals you call “your people” or “your tribe”. You have likely shared some of your best wet-your-pants laughter with them. You’ve also probably shared some darker times. Maybe your people are the ones you always go to first. Yet, they may say things or do things at times that make you react in ways that even you find hard to understand about yourself!

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