EMDR, Teens Panorama Wellness EMDR, Teens Panorama Wellness

Does EMDR work for Teens?

You may have experienced some really heavy things in your past, or even now. It may be hard to focus at school, let alone when you hang out with friends and family. You may be curious to try EMDR. Maybe you have seen a Tik Tok on it, a friend talked about it, or maybe you have no idea what it is. EMDR can help support you in healing.

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Teens Panorama Wellness Teens Panorama Wellness

Tips for Teens to Stay Connected Over the Summer

Many people, teens in particular, can feel less connected to their friends and community over the summer. Due to differing vacation schedules, not seeing friends at school and less extracurricular activities. Managing a lack of connection over the summer can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can try to make the most of your time and stay connected.

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Teens Panorama Wellness Teens Panorama Wellness

How Can You Be Present with Your Teenager?

The teen years can be such a challenging stage in your child’s (and your) life! Body changes, friend choices, academics, athletics, social media and technology stress, mental health…the list could go on forever! Teens are at such a formative age. Their brains have years to go until they’re fully ready for adulthood. Yet, they are trying to figure out their identity NOW!

How do you connect with our teen when they are navigating all of this?

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Teens, Parenting Mandy Purewal, MA, RCC Teens, Parenting Mandy Purewal, MA, RCC

How to Get Your Teenager Outside

It feels as though it's almost impossible these days to get kids off their phones and out of the house to enjoy the outdoors. The rise of social media, the convenience of indoor play gyms as well as overscheduled days make it seem impossible even for adults to be getting outside, let alone our kids. 

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Holidays, Teens Panorama Wellness Holidays, Teens Panorama Wellness

Boost your mood during the holiday season

Okay, so now that I reminded you of this ‘blah’ weather, and the ‘blah’ mood it may be causing, you’re probably wondering, “But I can’t control the weather, so how am I supposed to make my mood better?” Well basically, it’s about doing more things that make you happy! (I know, that sounds cheesy, but stay with me on this) So there’s these things called “happy hormones” that we all have, but sometimes we have less of these happy hormones, because of things like the ‘blah’ weather, and being stressed from all of the homework that we keep getting.

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Teens Panorama Wellness Teens Panorama Wellness

How to lower your anxiety about returning to school

All of us have been affected by Covid in one way or another. We have all had to adjust how we cope in life and interact with others. I believe that our teenagers’ experience has a few more nuances added to it. It’s important that we acknowledge the loss and grief that some teens have experienced and that they will never be able to experience school the way it was. This article was written to help them navigate the anxiety that this might be producing as they return to school this year.

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Panorama Wellness Panorama Wellness

Mindfulness exercise

Mindfulness is something that we talk about a lot, but we don’t always know exactly how to do it. Janelle Traber explains how to understand and validate your emotions, and provides an example of a mindfulness tool that you can use at home.

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