Boost your mood during the holiday season

Is this ‘blah’ weather putting you in a ‘blah’ kind of mood? (me too) You look outside and all you see is this gross, rainy weather, and not to mention that it gets dark literally an hour after you get home from school. 👎 This means that you may not be able to spend time with friends outside, or do those activities or sports that you get to do when the weather is nice. And to top it all off, with report cards coming soon, some of you have even more homework than usual to, that’s a lot! 👎

Okay, so now that I reminded you of this ‘blah’ weather, and the ‘blah’ mood it may be causing, you’re probably wondering, “But I can’t control the weather, so how am I supposed to boost my mood during the holiday season?” Well basically, it’s about doing more things that make you happy! (I know, that sounds cheesy, but stay with me on this) So there’s these things called “happy hormones” that we all have, but sometimes we have less of these happy hormones, because of things like the ‘blah’ weather, and being stressed from all of the homework that we keep getting. Wait, “hormones” is kind of a gross word right? So about how we use the word “happy vitamins” instead 👍. Don’t worry, this is definitely not going to turn into a science lecture!

Alright, so one of the main ways to get more happy vitamins in our bodies (and mind) is by doing things that make us even a little bit happier, or just put a smile on our face. For example, if there’s this one Youtube video or TikTok that makes you laugh until your stomach that video! Do you know someone in your life that also makes you laugh until your stomach hurts? Message them or give them a call! Have a favourite TV show or movie that puts you in a good mood? Maybe watch a little bit of that show or movie today. 

And happy vitamins don’t only come from watching something or talking to someone, but they can also come from the activities we do, and even the foods we eat. So if you have a favourite comfort meal or snack that literally makes your stomach happy 🤤, maybe you can plan to have that meal or snack sometime this week!

Or do you find that putting in your headphones and listening to music helps you forget about this ‘blah’ weather, and the ‘blah’ mood you are in? 🙋 Then maybe you want to listen to some more “feel good” music today (If you’re looking for any new “feel good” music, I put some links to some “positive vibes” music below!). And just remember, these are just some examples of possible “happy vitamin activities” that you can do…. there’s no “right answer” for what activities or things can make us feel happier- we are all unique, and it’s about finding what works for you. It’s totally okay to have completely different interests or “happy vitamin activities” than others!

One way you can see if you need more happy vitamins is to do a “check-in” with yourself (you could ask yourself, “what kind of mood am I in today?”) during the day to see what your mood is like. This is a good way of finding out if your happy vitamin level is really low, and in need of some boosting. It might be helpful to even make a “go-to” list of things that you can do (or eat) that will boost up your mood!

And lastly, I just wanted to say that getting out of this ‘blah’ mood can be really hard at times, especially during this time of the year. And you know what? It’s okay to be in a ‘blah’ mood sometimes, especially when life gets extra hard and out of our control. So even if you are tryingto lift yourself up, that is such a big step and something to be proud of! Feel free to comment below on what you’ve been doing (or eating) to get more of those happy vitamins...I am always on the lookout for more things to try out and add to my own list!

If you would like some help with the things I talked about here, please reach out. I have availability and would love to connect. Stay safe, happy holidays, and bye for now.

Positive Vibes music links:


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