Boundaries Angela Davison, MA, RCC, CCC Boundaries Angela Davison, MA, RCC, CCC

Setting Boundaries over the Holidays

Boundaries are a way to do what is acceptable and satisfying for you and your relationships as opposed to only thinking of others. Setting boundaries over the holidays can help you enjoy your time, energy and relationships in a new and more authentic way.

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Panorama Wellness Panorama Wellness

COVID Mandates Drop – So now what??

This is somewhat old news by now, but the majority of the COVID-19 mandates have dropped! For many this is exciting and celebratory; for others, it is stressful and confusing, especially as people are still getting sick from COVID. All of these reactions are normal…as normal as any of this can be. If you are celebrating, I am so glad you are able to do so! If you are anxious or a combination of both - here are some tips for navigating these new waters.

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Panorama Wellness Group Panorama Wellness Group

Return to “Normal” after Covid

As we in BC move towards lessened restrictions and our communities opening up again, you probably feel a mix of emotions: apprehension, excitement, relief, frustration, grief, and maybe even disbelief. So, what can we do to help ourselves as we figure out how to return to “normal”?

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Lisa Catallo, MA, RCC, CCC Lisa Catallo, MA, RCC, CCC

Six Types of Healthy Boundaries

Boundaries exist in many different areas of our lives, and yet we tend to think of them just in a relationship with friends and family. Today we share some information on six different areas that you might want to consider having some boundaries so that you can have a healthy and authentic relationship with yourself, others and things.

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Panorama Wellness Group Panorama Wellness Group

Learn how to set Healthy Boundaries in January 2021

You know that you need some healthy boundaries in your life, but you’re not sure where to get started. Learn more about the Building Healthy Boundaries Group that Lindsay Ries is running January 2021

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