Panorama Wellness Blog
Practical Tools and Tips for Navigating your Health and Wellness
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How to be fully present with your children when everyone's getting tired of summer break
There’s part of you that doesn’t want summer to end – because you know full well the mundane lunch making will soon be upon you. And (!) there’s a part of you that could really do with a little (maybe a lot of) structure. You have also noticed some days you feel a little guilty or maybe disengaged. You’re not feeling as present as you’d like.
5 Ways to Help Mothers Deal with and Productively Plan Summer Vacations
Summertime represents all things bright and warm, allowing us unique opportunities to spend time with family in meaningful ways. Here are a few tips that can aid you in navigating summer breaks with ease as a mom, while ensuring you stay stress-free and have some fun too.
Tips for Teens to Stay Connected Over the Summer
Many people, teens in particular, can feel less connected to their friends and community over the summer. Due to differing vacation schedules, not seeing friends at school and less extracurricular activities. Managing a lack of connection over the summer can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can try to make the most of your time and stay connected.
How do you manage your expectations of summer break?
How do you navigate your expectations of summer break and enjoy, or even soak the most out of, these few precious months?
10 Tips for Staying Healthy in the Summer Months
For many, summer is an easier time to stay healthy and eat nutritious food. The days are longer, more time is spent outside and gardens are bursting with vibrant fruits and vegetables. However, summer also typically is a time of indulgence. From backyard barbecues to beach days and weekend getaways, it can be tricky to stay on track with your healthy habits!
What if you aren’t excited for summer?
There are many reasons why parents find balancing out the summer schedule and responsibilities stressful, such as finances, not having “fun” options in the community or not being able to afford to travel because of the increase in gas prices. Perhaps you are a single parent and have other problems to face. These are all valid challenges and you may also have your own personal battles such as managing anxiety or depression, a recent break up/separation, and just not having the motivation to occupy your children for the entire summer.