Panorama Wellness Blog
Practical Tools and Tips for Navigating your Health and Wellness
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How to Connect with Your Kids During the Holiday Break
To say that the holidays can be stressful is an understatement. Even the most well-intentioned families can get wrapped up in the materialistic consumer-driven undertones and stress of getting it right, that they forget what matters most to them. I want to help you find ways to connect with your children in a new way this holiday season.
Coping with Loss During the Holiday Season
Grieving during the holiday season can be difficult. If you are struggling with grief during what is supposed to be the happiest time of the year, then I encourage you to join me on healing through utilizing some of the measures I describe in this blog.
Grieving During the Holiday Season
The holiday season is often portrayed as a happy time of celebration, connection, and gratitude. However, like most celebrations, it can be a complex experience for many people, especially if you have experienced loss. While a loss can encompass the death or absence of important people, pets, and relationships in your life, the experience of grief can also be connected to a loss of tradition, closeness, or an imagined future you hold for yourself and others. Holiday grief feels more real and present this year as many of us have been rocked by natural disaster, distance, and the ongoing collective trauma of the pandemic.
Six Ways to Cope with Holiday Stress
There are so many things that have an impact on these feelings of “joy and happiness” such as: the search for that perfect gift; cooking/baking for friends and family; dealing with the your own family dynamics AND the in-laws; missing those special people who have moved away or have passed before us; and, don’t forget the never-ending stress of how much money spent on gifts is enough, and how much is too much? If that list wasn’t long enough, this is Christmas number two coping with the effects of COVID-19! Here are six ways to help you cope with holiday stress.