Six Ways to Cope with Holiday Stress

We’ve arrived!  We’re at the happiest time of the year.  Right??  The Christmas holidays are supposed to bring happiness and joyful times, right? I guess the keyword is SUPPOSED to! 

When you were a child, the Christmas holiday likely brought a sense of wonder, joy, and imagination.  Peace and contentment often surround us as children during the month of December.  

And then you become an adult, and things get a bit more complicated.  There is still the component of joy, imagination and connection, but they can, unfortunately, also bring anxiety and depression for many people. There are so many things that have an  impact on these feelings of “joy and happiness” such as: the search for that perfect gift; cooking/baking for friends and family;  dealing with the your own family dynamics AND the in-laws; missing those special people who have moved away or have passed before us; and, don’t forget the never-ending stress of how much money spent on gifts is enough, and how much is too much?    If that list wasn’t long enough, this is Christmas number two coping with the effects of COVID-19! 

SO – what can you do to feel just a little better over the holidays? To relieve some of these anxious feelings and to help reduce the natural stress of the holiday season  -  here are a few ways to prepare for and cope with the holiday season.

The very first thing is to give yourself permission to feel this way!  It is okay and natural to have some feelings of stress! Quite often we confuse excitement with anxiety, because they feel quite similar.  Acknowledge and accept the emotions and know that you will get through this season in one piece – you always do!  Here are six ways to cope with holiday stress:

  • Start by planning and scheduling! You can do this by making to-do lists and crossing each item day by day leading up to Christmas! You will feel relief each time you cross an item off!   This is not the season to embrace procrastination - Make that list!  If you need help with that list – talk to your friends and family!  One way that can help with this list is to write down all the things that HAVE to get done first, and see them on a calendar.  Then start with the things that you WANT to get done, and be realistic about the amount of time, energy and money they will require from you.  Then put them on your list and/or calendar.  Then consider what your EXTRAs are...those things that would add a bit of excitement or value to the season, but aren’t necessary.  Do they fit in with your overall goals for this time?  Then include them on your list and/or calendar.  If they don’t, then maybe put them on a list for next year...or January.

  • If you are feeling sad because you recently lost a loved one and feeling a bit overwhelmed by the loss – talking to someone can help those feelings!  Consider who is within your circle that might have experienced loss before you and can relate, or maybe they also knew the loved one that you’ve lost and can identify with your pain in a healthy way.  If you don’t have someone, please reach out to us here at Panorama Wellness Group.

  • Maybe you need a babysitter to get some shopping done – ASK someone to help! Many people feel overwhelmed during this time of year -  ASKING for a little support,  no matter what the season, is healthy but at Christmas, many people need a little extra but people cannot know what you need if you don’t ask.  

  • Make a budget and stick to it! Christmas isn’t about buying as much as you can or trying to find happiness in presents! Know your budget and be realistic about it! If you have a big family, consider starting a secret Santa tradition then you only have to buy for one person versus 5 or 6! 

  • Listen to your body – know your limits! Do not over schedule Christmas dinners, parties and family gatherings! It is okay to be tired and have a night to yourself or a quiet family night at home! You might actually want to schedule that in with your list of HAVE tos.

  • Lastly – schedule self care! Schedule time to do what makes you feel good! Whether that is going to the gym or a spa, finding a yoga or exercise class on Youtube,  going for a run or curling up and reading a good book or taking a nap!   Positive mental space and time will help you cope with those high stress moments! 

If you are a first responder, you likely have additional concerns over the holidays.  Do you have to work over the holidays? Maybe it’s not something you thought you signed up for? Unfortunately it is. This can be hard not only for you but for your loved ones at home. Some families are used to having mom or dad, wife or husband gone during special holidays and in some ways it becomes the new normal but it never gets easy. There are some things you and your loved ones can do to help with the less than ideal holiday schedule, such as:

  • open a gift or two a day early

  • allow the children of the home to stay up extra late the night before your shift to watch a family movie or make hot chocolate and drive around looking at Christmas lights together

  • if it's your wife or husband that will be missing, having a special dinner or breakfast the day before the shift, make sure to have some extra quality time or even make it a point to stop by their work and surprise them even if just for a minute. 

Remember -  If you are feeling overwhelmed and just cannot shake the blues or need assistance with making your list or budget or maybe you just need to vent about those in-laws in a safe place – book an appointment with a counsellor at Panorama Wellness Group to work through  it.   If you are trying to find a way to stick to a healthy lifestyle during this season, consider talking with our Nutritionist to help you have a plan that is achievable. You deserve to  find a way to enjoy the holidays, too

Angela Davison, MA, RCC, CCC

I believe you can overcome trauma. I believe opportunity for growth is hidden in our confusion, shock and stress. Although you may feel stuck at this moment in time, I believe you can take control and elevate your being. I aspire to help people lead a healthy, well-balanced life.

Grieving During the Holiday Season


Festive Eggnog Pudding