Holistic Nutrition, Nutrition Christy De Jaegher, RHN, OT Holistic Nutrition, Nutrition Christy De Jaegher, RHN, OT

3 Key Strategies for Cultivating Healthy Eating Habits That Last

Developing sustainable healthy eating habits can feel like a daunting task, especially with so many diets and trends competing for attention. However, lasting change comes from adopting habits that are practical and enjoyable. Here are three effective ways to cultivate healthy eating habits that stand the test of time.

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Holistic Nutrition, Nutrition, Trauma Christy De Jaegher, RHN, OT Holistic Nutrition, Nutrition, Trauma Christy De Jaegher, RHN, OT

How Candy and Sugar Can Affect Different Trauma Responses

Sugar, in the form of candy or other sweet treats, can offer a temporary sense of comfort and relief from emotional distress. The rapid release of dopamine, a "feel-good" neurotransmitter, can provide a brief escape from painful emotions and a way of coping with traumatic memories.

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Parenting, LGBTQ+ Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC Parenting, LGBTQ+ Mridul Jagota, MA, RCC

How to Responsibly Respond to Your Child Coming Out

As we move towards a more inclusive world, parents need to equip themselves with the appropriate information and knowledge about LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities. This National Coming Out Day, learn about what you can do to foster a conducive and safe environment for your child who identifies as LGBTQIA+ and discloses about the same to you.

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