Relationships Panorama Wellness Relationships Panorama Wellness

How to Deal with Unmet Expectations

As difficult as they are, expectations are part of life. Everyone has them – and yet when they are not met, it can be very painful. You can become so attached to the expectation of something that you might begin to see it as reality. And when the outcome isn’t what you expected, the loss can feel very real. You and I can both undoubtedly look back over the past two and a half years and recognize dozens of moments – big and little – of disappointment.

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Counselling Panorama Wellness Group Counselling Panorama Wellness Group

Recovering from Disappointment

Disappointment manifests when our hopes and expectations are not met.   It doesn’t feel good when things don’t go as we envisioned and the passage of time doesn’t always make a difference.  And now here you are at the end of January, wondering why you haven’t been able to get rid of those lingering feelings of disappointment. 

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