Play Therapy Panorama Wellness Play Therapy Panorama Wellness

What is Play Therapy?

This type of therapy is a form of expressive therapy, where your child shows me how they view their world through their play. They can also show me how they are feeling through their play

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Holidays, Teens Panorama Wellness Holidays, Teens Panorama Wellness

Boost your mood during the holiday season

Okay, so now that I reminded you of this ‘blah’ weather, and the ‘blah’ mood it may be causing, you’re probably wondering, “But I can’t control the weather, so how am I supposed to make my mood better?” Well basically, it’s about doing more things that make you happy! (I know, that sounds cheesy, but stay with me on this) So there’s these things called “happy hormones” that we all have, but sometimes we have less of these happy hormones, because of things like the ‘blah’ weather, and being stressed from all of the homework that we keep getting.

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