Nutrition, Trauma-informed, Acupuncture, Counselling Lisa Catallo, MA, RCC, CCC Nutrition, Trauma-informed, Acupuncture, Counselling Lisa Catallo, MA, RCC, CCC

What is Big “T” and little ”t” Trauma?

The word trauma often causes people to think that we only deal with the really big stuff, so you might think that what you’re dealing with isn’t really big enough to go to counselling with. And yet nothing could be further from the truth.

In counsellor-speak, we understand that there is what we call big “T” trauma and little “t” trauma, and all of it matters.

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Holistic Nutrition, Nutrition, Anxiety Christy De Jaegher, RHN, OT Holistic Nutrition, Nutrition, Anxiety Christy De Jaegher, RHN, OT

Nutrition and Anxiety: 5 Common Eating Habits That Could Be Contributing to Your Anxiety

Although often overlooked, more and more research is finding evidence to support a strong link between dietary habits and symptoms of anxiety. Your diet may not be the underlying cause of your anxiety, however, there is evidence to support that adjusting your eating habits can play a significant role in the management of your anxiety symptoms, in turn enabling you to lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Learn how your nutrition can impact your anxiety, and which foods to limit or avoid to help manage your symptoms.

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