Teens, Parenting Mandy Purewal, MA, RCC Teens, Parenting Mandy Purewal, MA, RCC

How to Get Your Teenager Outside

It feels as though it's almost impossible these days to get kids off their phones and out of the house to enjoy the outdoors. The rise of social media, the convenience of indoor play gyms as well as overscheduled days make it seem impossible even for adults to be getting outside, let alone our kids. 

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Lisa Catallo, MA, RCC, CCC Lisa Catallo, MA, RCC, CCC

How do we handle social media?

At Panorama Wellness Group, we see social media as being a good tool for letting you know that we exist, the services we provide, and so that you can get a sense of our personalities. That being said, as therapists, it is important to each of us that we handle this responsibly and in a way that protects you and the relationship that you have with whichever practitioner you are seeing at Panorama.

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