No Body Melts in the Rain

How often does bad weather pose as an excuse for you to not get outside? If you’re like me, I’m far less likely to lace up my runners and go for a walk or run if it’s pouring rain. Crappy weather can become a “get-out-of-jail-free-card.” But the downside is that my mental and physical health can take a hit as a result. And let’s face it, if here in British Columbia we let weather dictate our ability to get outside, we’d be house-bound for 70% of the year. Lately I’ve been attempting to not let the weather determine my self-care habits… and honestly? It’s been invigorating to learn that I don’t have to let external variables like weather get in the way of what feels good!

I don’t know about you, but the transition from February to March always brings a little bit of new hope. Yes, we’re still technically in “winter,” but come March, I start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I start to anticipate Spring – a season when the earth is emerging from hibernation, about to generate growth, and blossom into new life. It energizes me and wakes me up inside. It’s as if what’s happening in the external world is happening inside of me, too. It makes me want to move

Don’t get me wrong, as much as Spring brings with it a fresh start, it also brings its fair share of rainy/gloomy days. But in an effort to not let the rain stop me from getting outside, I’ve devised a list of reminders/suggestions to help us remain consistent with what matters when it comes to taking care of ourselves both physically and mentally. Read on for a bit of inspiration when it comes to getting outside, despite crappy weather.

  1. No body melts in the rain. I recently joined a local trail running group in hopes of finding some accountability to get moving, and this phrase has become a sort of mantra. And you know what? It’s true! Who woulda thought. Why are we so afraid of rain anyways? It’s just water. The next time you feel deterred by the rain, ask yourself what you’re afraid of… Discomfort? Getting your hair wet? Being cold? Chances are there are solutions to those fears. And chances are those fears will pale in comparison to the benefits you’ll experience after you get out and do the thing!

  2. Find a buddy. Misery loves company… isn’t’ that what they say? But also, misery doesn’t have to be misery when endured together! I have found this running group to be incredibly helpful in giving me the accountability I need to stick to my intentions. It also provides a level of fun and connection, so that the time isn’t just about the activity. Consider asking a friend to join you on a weekly walk, run, or bike ride. Make the commitment to one another to show up each week for a month, whatever the weather, and see how you feel! Feel free to adopt my running group’s mantra.

  3. Good gear can make all the difference. Have you heard the saying, there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear? Investing in a good rain jacket can be a game changer when it comes to finding the nerve to bear the bad weather days. I know it can be startling to see the cost of some of these products. But keep in mind you don’t need a fancy Arc’teryx Gortex rain jacket… you’re not summiting Mount Everest here. You just need a waterproof outer shell that you can add light layers to underneath. Facebook Marketplace and second-hand stores can be great places to find gently used items that still have life left in them. Consider getting yourself a piece of gear that won’t break the bank but will help you feel prepared to handle the elements. 

So there you have it. Let these three suggestions be a starting point for you as we head into a new season. We all know the health benefits of getting outside, so let’s find ways to work around the weather, instead of being at the mercy of it.

Panorama Wellness Group

This blog was written by one of our team members. If you would like more information, please reach out to us at


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