When Nature Calls!

My parents did lots of great things with me when I was a child but that did not include outdoor adventures as a family.  I was encouraged to play outside and plant a garden but we didn’t camp, hike, kayak, etc.   Despite the lack of hiking and camping as a kid, I somehow developed an interest in the outdoors and enjoy a good hike when I can.  

One time, before I had kids, I was hiking up the Grouse Grind, a challenging hike up the side of Grouse Mountain in Vancouver, and I was passed by a couple of young kids effortlessly scampering up the path. Their mother was right behind them and I noted they all seemed to be enjoying themselves! I caught up to them at the next rest spot where they were drinking some water and enjoying their favourite snack, trail mix.

As I sat on a log beside this family, I let the mom know how impressed I was by her children’s attitude during this tough climb.  She shared that she and her partner were big outdoor enthusiasts and really wanted to be able to enjoy their outdoor adventures with their kids. I was very curious as to how she’d been so successful so she shared a few things that she had intentionally done to help her children develop a love of the outdoors.  I’d like to share them with you here. So when natures calls, how can you answer?

Begin with the end in mind! 

Decide early on whether you want to be a family that enjoys the outdoors together.  If you want that to be part of your family life, think about how you can expose kids to life outdoors from a young age and consider how to share your own enjoyment of nature with your children.

Start small with play time outside, short walks and engaging in the nature that’s around you. Maybe check out rocks and trees or plant a garden to see how it grows. Take regular walks, spend time at the beach, camp and hike when you can. Increase the calibre of your adventures as your children grow and become more capable. Persist even when it gets challenging - and it will be challenging at times! Regular exposure to being outside is key and persistent efforts to engage with nature will help children get used to outdoor family time.

Keep the focus on fun! 

Depending on the ages and stages of your kids, you want to keep in mind what they enjoy.  Adults may love the scenery and the exercise, but what do your kids enjoy?  Are they all about looking in tidal pools, throwing rocks and splashing in puddles?  Be sure to make some time for your kids to enjoy some of their favourite things along the way so that they begin to  associate outdoor adventures with fun.  Bring a small favourite stuffy, the family dog, or a friend depending on what might up the fun quotient.  Bring a special treat or water bottle which is only available when hiking or camping.  You could even have some songs that you only sing when outdoors! Of course, you’ll want to help your kids learn there is a time for fun/play and time for hiking/ making camp/etc. but ensuring they have fun will keep them wanting more!

Motivation, motivation, motivation!

While you want to help kids enjoy their time in nature you also want to maintain their motivation in between adventures.  Getting kids to think about and/or help plan the next family trip can be a way to keep them interested and help build anticipation.  Try to include your children in the decision-making process regarding outdoor adventures.

When they are old enough, have them pick rest stops along a hike, research destinations or determine which activity to do from a list you’ve determined would be appropriate. These opportunities are a ‘rite of passage’ that kids can earn as they age and/or based on milestones they’ve achieved. When they show responsibility, for example, they can “earn” binoculars, backpacks, or a chance to lead the way on a hike.

Don’t forget to encourage kids when they are feeling challenged or they are trying to learn something and let them know when you’re proud of their accomplishments, too! Acknowledging when they’re being helpful, striving, or overcoming obstacles will encourage them to keep at it! Keeping your kids motivated during and between adventures can go a long way to fostering a love of the outdoors!

It’s not always about the destination!

It’s about the journey!  You may need to keep your expectations low especially when the kids are small.  Just know that you may not always complete certain trips or experience the family adventures as planned.  This can be a tough mindset when you’re trying to get to a certain vista or make your way to a favourite swimming hole.  Lots can happen, especially with kids, that you can’t anticipate or accommodate and you may need to cut your adventure short.  They may lose a GoPro along the way or feel sick unexpectedly.

Sometimes trip interruptions are not about the kids at all! When the trail is blocked, the weather turns, or perhaps you’ve forgotten something important then you’ll need to turn back. You may have to manage your own disappointment along with that of others in the family. Learning how to be flexible and adaptive are important lessons for your kids and keeping that in mind that can help you as well.

If nature calls to you and you have a family, you may want to think about how you can pass on your love of the outdoors.  Getting your kids outside when they’re young is ideal and helping them associate outdoor adventures with fun is essential.  Looking for ways to motivate children through planning or while on trips will also make a difference.  Engagement, encouragement and acknowledgement will keep them interested and foster their own passion for outdoor adventures! 

Panorama Wellness Group

This blog was written by one of our team members. If you would like more information, please reach out to us at info@panoramawellness.ca


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