Transforming Lives Through Relational and Somatic Counseling: Meet Kimberlee at Panorama Wellness Group

Are you seeking a clinical counsellor who truly understands the depth of your experiences, both in your mind and body? If so, you'll want to get to know Kim, a registered clinical counsellor at Panorama Wellness Group. With a focus on relational and somatic therapy, Kim brings a unique approach to counselling that aims to help individuals, particularly those aged 16 and above, in their healing journeys.

Kim's Approach: Nurturing Your Mind-Body Connection

Kim's counselling approach is distinct in its emphasis on the interplay between the relational and somatic aspects of our lives. By "relational," she means considering the impact of our relationships and connections with others on our well-being. The "somatic" aspect refers to how our thoughts, emotions, and experiences manifest in our physical bodies.

In her sessions, Kim encourages clients to check in with themselves regularly. She invites them to scan their systems, noticing how they feel and how those feelings are experienced in their bodies. By tracking these sensations, she helps uncover core needs and opportunities for growth and change.

Trauma-Informed Care: Safety and Respect for Your Healing Journey

One standout feature of Kim's counselling approach is her commitment to trauma-informed care. Many clients come into counselling with a desire to release their most painful and difficult experiences immediately. However, Kim prioritizes creating a safe and supportive environment. She understands that trauma processing can be re-traumatizing if approached too rapidly and without proper support.

To avoid overwhelming her clients, Kim encourages a gradual and supportive pace. She uses techniques to slow things down, such as slowing her own speech, guiding clients through deep breathing exercises, and engaging in grounding activities. These methods help clients stay connected with themselves and their therapist while discussing challenging topics.

Tools for Reconnecting with the Present Moment

Kim also employs sensory tools to ground her clients in the present moment. She knows that stress and trauma can pull us away from the "here and now." By using sensory cues like visual and tactile observations, she helps clients reconnect with the world around them, fostering a sense of safety and presence.

Ready to Begin Your Healing Journey with Kim?

If Kim's approach resonates with you and you're looking for a compassionate counsellor who truly understands the mind-body connection, you can connect with her through Panorama Wellness Group. Kim offers in-person counselling out of our Langley office. Visit our contact page or call us directly to book a session.

Kim's dedication to fostering a safe and supportive environment, along with her unique approach to relational and somatic counselling, can help you on your path to healing and personal growth. Don't hesitate to reach out and start your journey toward a healthier and more fulfilling life.


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