In-Person Counselling: Everything To Know Before You Book

Whether you’re new to in-person counselling or you’ve already had a few sessions, there’s something to be said about meeting your counsellor face-to-face. 

Open conversation in a safe space allows us to explore our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in a way that may not have been possible on our own. Especially with the guidance and outside perspective of a mental health specialist.

So if you’re thinking about booking your first (or next) session, but you still have some questions…let's see if we can answer them for you here! 

What exactly is in-Person counselling?

In-person counselling, also known as traditional counselling, usually takes place in your therapist’s office or counselling center. It’s a type of therapy that involves meeting with your counsellor in a physical setting where you connect through spoken conversation and body language.

At Panorama Wellness, we invite clients into one of our warm and bright office spaces in Langley or Surrey. However, we like to think of it more as a cozy room where it’s easy to get comfortable and feel at home. And it’s here we’ll be able to talk through any challenges you’re facing, from stress and relationship issues to addiction or being unable to move on from a traumatic event.

What should I expect during an in-person counselling session?

You can expect direct, personal interaction with one of our professional, in-person mental health counsellors. During each session, we’ll work together (at your own pace) to uncover what’s going on in your mind and body - and how to heal or move forward.

The truth is: it’s not always easy to talk about your personal experiences or past events. And change doesn’t happen overnight. But you can expect it to be a positive first step towards the personal growth you wish to experience.

Are in-person counselling sessions confidential?

YES! Your sessions are strictly confidential and you can always feel safe to speak about any personal experiences or health concerns you’re experiencing. At Panorama Wellness, we believe in a strict code of human rights and integrity, which is why you’ll never have to worry about being open and honest with us. 

It should be noted, however, that if your counsellor or therapist feels that you or someone else is at risk of harm, we may have to call your emergency contact.

How can I find a qualified in-person counsellor near me?

There are many ways to find a qualified counsellor, be it a referral from your doctor or a simple Google search online for “counselling clinic near me”. 

If you’d like to book in with one of our professional counsellors, you can fill out the form on our website or give our office a call. We’ll go through a short intake form with you to discuss your personal needs and preferences and schedule in your appointment. It can also be helpful to browse our full list of bios before you book to learn more about our team’s individual expertise and interests.

How effective is in-person counselling compared to online counselling?

In the age of all things digital, we’re proud to offer both online and in-person services. And it’s important to share that online counselling has been proven just as effective as meeting your counsellor face-to-face. 

With that said, some people prefer in-person counselling because it’s a highly-personalized approach to getting the support you need. It can be quicker for some people to build a relationship and rapport by sharing a physical space and having that direct interaction. 

We believe it really all boils down to personal preferences and circumstances. For example, if you have the time or ability to travel to our office. To make your decision, here’s a few facts on in-person counselling:

  • American Psychologist found that the average person who underwent therapy was better off than 80% of those who didn't receive therapy

  • A study in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology found that individuals who received in-person therapy showed continued improvement even after the sessions concluded

  • High levels of client satisfaction are often reported in studies evaluating in-person counselling


In-person counselling is an effective pathway to find the help and healing you need. At Panorama, it’s our goal to ensure you feel safe and supported while teaching you the skills to cope and move forward. If you’d like to schedule an appointment with us, please head to our contact page to complete our form or call our office.


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