What are the values of Panorama Wellness Group?

I have many quirks and specific likes and dislikes.  Maybe you do too?

I don’t really want to buy from Amazon.  But I’ll go buy from Costco.  I want to feel like I am supporting local people who need a job…not someone somewhere off in the far blue yonder.

When I go shopping I choose to go through the lineup where there’s a real person, rather than the self check out because I want to feel like I’m helping to keep someone employed.

There are many more quirks, but as I was sitting down to write this blog and tell you about the mission and values at Panorama Wellness Group, I got to thinking about what I value when I go shopping.

In many ways , you are shopping when you come to Panorama Wellness.  You are trying to find out if the people who provide services here will be a good fit for you and for your health and wellness.  And I get it!

So that’s why we spent time crafting what it is that we stand for and put importance in as individuals and as a team.  We want you to know that we believe that we value the same things you do, and that the general understanding is similar between you and your therapist.  We want to answer your question – what are the values  at Panorama Wellness Group?

You can find our Mission and Vision Statement on our website.  For the time being, I wanted to dive into our values and explain a little more than what you read on that page.  

“We are committed to providing an opportunity to build strong, lasting bonds within our team that flows out to our clients and community.”

Team is the first value at Panorama Wellness.  One of the most important things for me as a leader, and to the people who work here, is a solid team.  This is important to us because as counsellors and OT/nutritionist, a lot of our work is done behind a closed door.  And it can be pretty heavy work.  We work hard to create an environment where we have opportunities to create/cultivate authentic,  supportive relationships and bonds.  We seek  to find ways to learn from each other, which in turn provides means to  provide quality services to you.

“We provide outstanding support and care that, together, deliver a premium service to our clients.”

Quality flows naturally out of our team approach.  At Panorama Wellness, we value quality in everything we do.  That’s one of the reasons we revamped our website.  We want to convey our commitment to quality service from the moment you find us.  Our team members are all Masters-level trained therapists and are participating in ongoing training to hone and develop their skills so that you experience excellence and quality care.

“We conduct our work with trustworthiness and in accordance with high ethical standards in our particular practice.”

Integrity is something that is at the core of my being…one of those quirks, you might say.  I want myself, my work, and that of our team at Panorama to be characterized by a commitment to ethical work, honesty in all situations, and an understanding that we can be counted on in many different ways.  I am proud to say that every person on our team operates from the same perspective.  One way that we do this is through having peer consultation as a team. Through these meetings we give and receive  support from each other, see situations from a different perspective, and ensure that we are being accountable.

“We believe that it is important to promote wellness within the community through community involvement, speaking engagements, group therapy options and sensitivity to financial needs.”

Community is another core value of ours.  And one that we’re constantly working at.  Being a newer business, we’ve spent a lot of time getting ourselves settled and our feet on the ground, but this value is something that is now emerging.  From offering online workshops, to participating in the Shoebox Project and donating to the Langley Food Bank, we are regularly trying to find ways to connect with both businesses and individuals in the Murrayville and Langley areas.

“We exhibit an attitude of acceptance that provides equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized.”

Inclusivity is a value that receives  constant finetuning and definition at Panorama.  We want to be inclusive of a variety of ages, skills, abilities, cultures and backgrounds.  This means that we continuously pursue  opportunities to learn and grow in these areas.  Whether it’s becoming more competent in serving the LGBTQ+ community and their families, ensuring our team is made up of different ages, cultures and sexes of therapists, or learning about the effect of residential schools on the people in our community, we are always looking to expand in this area.

“We provide an environment that allows our clients to experience safety, explore how their past informs their present, find autonomy, and respect their unique needs and sensitivities.”

Trauma-Informed Care is something that I actually would say is our top value.  We seek ongoing growth in our skills and ability in this area, and we are committed to offering you services from a trauma perspective.  Being trauma-informed means that we are curious about you and your experiences while also ensuring that you find ways to have a voice in your own life while practicing that in the safety and security of the relationship you have with your therapist.  It is at the core of everything we do here.

One of the things that I really like about our values is that they aren’t unique or specific to one type of therapist here.  We all have our unique area of strength and skill as well as the type of client that we do our best work with.  So whether you’re working on your diet, returning to work, or processing some trauma in your relationship or individually , these core values are in the very fabric of the organization known as Panorama Wellness Group.  We know that we aren’t for everyone, but we hope that as you have read this, you see yourself in what I’ve presented, and that your values are represented here as well.

If you would like to learn more about us or our organization please feel free to contact me.  In the meantime, we look forward to serving you, and want you to know that, together, we can start your journey towards healing.


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