From acupuncture to marriage counselling in Surrey, learn more about our new clinic

We are excited to announce that we are opening a second clinic in Surrey, BC!  If you are new to Panorama Wellness Group, you may be wondering who we are, and what kind of services we provide.  So I thought I’d take an opportunity to share our vision with you here.

Why an office in Surrey?

As the owner of Panorama Wellness Group, it has always been my vision to expand our offerings outside of Langley so that we can serve a wider variety of clients and needs.  Our Surrey therapists will offer similar services and operate from the same approach as we do in Langley. 

We chose to make Surrey our second home because we recognize a need in this area for trauma-informed counsellors, occupational therapists and holistic nutritionists.

The Sullivan or Panorama neighbourhood (the neighbourhood name varies depending on who you talk to) is located at 152 street and highway 10 in Surrey and is easily accessible for people coming from a number of different locations.  Cloverdale, South Surrey, White Rock, Delta, and Clayton Heights are all about a 10-15 minute drive from our location at 15300 54A Avenue.  We also are happy to be in a neighbourhood that is easy for parents and family members to go over to Starbucks for a coffee, Shoppers Drug Mart for a few things on your list, or for you to time your appointments with your optometrist or naturopath and us about the same time to help you save on gas and time.

Who is Panorama Wellness Group?

When I was creating Panorama Wellness Group, I chose the name very purposefully to reflect who we wanted to be as we grew our team and what we offer.  The name “Panorama” was chosen because I knew that I wanted our therapists to be holistic in their approach and also for our group to be multi-disciplinary.  Why?  So that we can work with you with the goal of seeing “an unbroken view of the whole region surrounding you”. 

Originally it was my hope to be able to include registered massage therapists, naturopaths and other wellness providers to our office space to serve the whole of you.  That has proven to be a little more difficult than I’d realized, so we have shifted our focus a bit.  We are intentional about creating relationships with other service providers so that as we work with you from a mental health, occupational therapy, or nutrition perspective, we can help you find other professionals who can support you with a similar approach.

What kind of therapy does Panorama Wellness Group provide?

Individual counselling.  Each of the Registered Clinical Counsellors at Panorama operates from a trauma-informed perspective.  This can show up a bit differently in what types of services we provide, but you can trust that when you sit across from a therapist at Panorama Wellness Group, whether it’s in Langley or Surrey, they will be curious about how your past is informing your present.  And they are purposeful about providing you with a space where you feel accepted, heard, validated, and able to process the events, relationships and challenge that you are experiencing.

Couples counselling.  We know that your intimate relationships can often be your most challenging ones too.  Whether you are looking for marriage counselling or pre-marital counselling, we have counsellors who have taken specific training to help you create a relationship that is long-lasting and fulfilling.

Did you know that there are a few different ways of working with couples counsellors?  As you consider what you and your relationship need, you might consider looking for counsellors in Surrey that utilize Gottman Couples Method or Emotion Focussed Therapy or Relational Life Therapy (by Terry Real).  Each of these approaches to marriage counselling provides a different way of looking at you and your relationship.  Gottman Couples Method provides a good structure to the work that you might do with your husband or wife, and is based on years of research into what makes couples work.  Emotion  Focussed Therapy was developed by Sue Johnson as a way to help couples find a ways to dig underneath all the noise to find out what is the emotion or need really being presented.  And Relational Life Therapy was developed by Terry Real to help couples and marriages find ways to connect with each other, understand how trauma is affecting the relationship, and with his focus on men the approach is typically assertive and providing accountability.  Be sure to ask our Practice Coordinator for the approach you feel would be best for your marriage.

Play therapy.  Did you know that offering play therapy actually requires additional training for our counsellors?  Sitting down with your child and playing requires a unique skill and personality.  Our play therapists are purposeful about how they play with your child and draw out emotions and thoughts that weren’t able to be articulated previously.

Counselling for teens.  We know that your teenager is facing things that you never had to.  The pressures and life experiences can feel like a lot to them and to you as a parent.  That’s why we have counsellors in Surrey who are passionate about helping you and your teen understand the emotions and relationships that they are navigating, while getting to know themselves and who they want to be. 

Art therapy.  We know that it is often difficult to put words to thoughts or emotions, and for those of you who are creative, putting energy and emotion down on paper or other forms of art can be an effective way to move forward.  Our Surrey and Langley offices both offer the space and ability to help you be creative and find alternative ways to process what is going on for you. 

Occupational therapy.  Our occupational therapists operate a bit differently than those in a physiotherapy clinic or similar environment.  And yet their end goal is still the same.  They want to help you find ways to get your life back and to find ways to adapt and change your work or home environment so that it adjusts with you in your recovery process.

Registered holistic nutrition.  Our Surrey nutritionists are looking at your with a panoramic view just like our counsellors are.  Being curious about your overall life, routines, and eating habits can help us find ways to help you reach your goals for health and wellness.

What makes Panorama Wellness Group stand apart?

We know that you have options for counselling in Surrey.  Whether you are in Cloverdale, South Surrey or Sullivan Square, you can easily find a counsellor in your neighbourhood or online.  So why would you choose us?

We believe that the “fit” between you and the therapist you are considering is just as (or more) important as their training and skills.  If a counsellor has a different sense of humor than you, or swears, or dresses very formally, and those things are not something that would describe you, then you’re not going to feel comfortable in opening up and being vulnerable.  And we know that it’s also important that your therapist operates with the same set of values as you.  So here is what our Surrey counsellors hold to as some of their core values when they join our team. 

Trauma-informed.  As mentioned above, we believe it is important to understand that events that have happened in your past are showing up somehow today.  Whether they are something that you see as needing to be addressed, or just are part of your experience and shaped who you are, we will be curious about that with you.

Quality.  We are committed to providing you with quality care.  This shows up on our website, and in our waiting room with attention to detail and quality.  And even more important, we want you to know that we value education and training in our niche and specialties so that we can provide you with research-proven techniques and tools to helping you reach your goals for mental and emotional health. 

Team.  The concept of team is something that permeates every day at Panorama Wellness Group.  As we open the Surrey office, we are being intentional in finding ways to ensure that our contractors feel like they belong, are known and supported by me, our administration, and each other.  We believe that this helps each of us be a better therapist and to adapt a team approach to the services that we provide you with. 

Integrity.  This value walks hand in hand with quality.  And it’s so much more.  We are committed to the highest ethical standards in our individual areas of practice.  That is one reason why everyone at Panorama has a Masters or equivalent in their area of expertise.

Community.  One of the first things that we are doing in Surrey is building community and ways of connecting with other professionals around us in the Panorama/Sullivan neighbourhood.  We are also looking for ways to offer workshops and groups in South Surrey and Surrey over the next year or so.

Inclusive.  We place a high importance on being people who are inclusive in who we work with and who we work alongside.  Whether that means having people who serve the LGBTQ+ community or ensuring that we have different cultures and genders providing services, we are committed to being inclusive at Panorama Wellness.

Future plans for our Surrey location

One of the things that I learned in starting Panorama Wellness Group in Langley, was that it takes time to fill out a team.  We started with three different counsellors with different specialties, and have grown to a team of 15 people.  Each of us has a slightly different skill set and age group that we work with, but we all are passionate about the work we do and that we do it as a team.

So as we look forward to building our team in Surrey, we have a vision for the variety of services we want to offer, but also recognize that it is going to take some time to understand the need that our new community needs.  We will be listening to you and your family and then building out our team of therapists so that we can be practical and intentional about what counselling, nutrition services and occupational therapy meets your needs.

We don’t currently have space to have a Practice Coordinator in our Surrey location, but want you to know that we are committed to providing you with excellent support and care whether you are seeing someone in Langley or Surrey.  Our main number and email address still help you connect with services, and then if you have a specific question for your therapist or last minute communication needs (such as running late or you got lost), you can email them directly.  Our emails are all (i.e. 

We are excited to have a boardroom at our Surrey office, and look forward to being able to network with other Surrey counsellors, hold team meetings, and also offer group therapy options to our clients. 

As we have been advertising for counsellors to join our team at Panorama Wellness Group and work out of the Surrey office, we are excited to see who is going to be rounding out our team, how they will interact with us, and how their expertise can be used to serve you, your family and your relationships well. 

If you have any questions about us, our team members or our location, please reach out to me or our Practice Coordinator by phone – 778-726-0550 or email –  We look forward to meeting you, serving you, and providing you with tools, understanding, and the ability to have a holistic and unbroken view of the whole of who you are and who you want to be.

Thank you for reading.  We are excited to start working with the Surrey community to start your journey towards healing.


How does marriage counselling work?


What is a Trauma Response?