Free Fall Nutrition Webinars at Panorama Wellness

Are you actively trying to get healthy and improve your eating habits but finding it hard to navigate all the conflicting nutritional information out there? 

Perhaps you have attempted to get healthy and improve your diet in the past, only to end up right back where you started?

Or maybe you have put off getting healthy and improving your eating habits because you don’t know where or how to start, and don’t have the nutritional knowledge to make informed healthy choices?

You are not alone! 

Nutrition can be confusing. Not only is the science of nutrition complex and continuously evolving, there is a ton of conflicting and misinformation out there making it extremely challenging to decipher what is actually healthy. Having a basic knowledge of nutrition fundamentals is an important step in getting healthy, and knowing how to read and understand food labels can help take the guesswork out of grocery shopping and healthy eating. 

Join me for two free webinars this fall where I will be providing crash courses in the fundamentals of a healthy diet, and reading and understanding food labels. Learn the basics of nutrition and healthy living so you can confidently make evidence-based healthy lifestyle choices and reach your health and wellness goals in a way that is both straightforward and sustainable! Our nutrition webinars were developed using the most up to date, evidence-based information explained in a way that is easy to understand, with actionable steps you can take to launch forward in your health and wellness journey.

Through participation in these webinars you will gain a greater understanding of how your body utilizes nutrients to not just function, but to prevent disease and thrive. You will learn how to make healthy food choices and start to see food as a powerful medicine that has the power to make or break your health.  

These free webinars are perfect for anyone who wants to, or is actively trying to, improve their diet and overall health. Whether it is to prevent or manage a chronic disease, lose weight, address symptoms, or simply get healthy, having a basic understanding of nutrition fundamentals is essential for long term success!  

The Foundations of a Health Diet: Nutrition Basics to Help you Nourish Your Body for Optimal Health  

Date: October 6, 2021 

Time: 7:00 pm PST

Take the guesswork out of nutrition and healthy eating with this easy to understand overview of nutrition basics and the components of a healthy diet. We will cover fundamentals such as macronutrients, micronutrients, calories (including how to determine how many you require), fibre, phytonutrients and hydration. We will also take a deeper look at foods that lead to chronic inflammation and increased disease risk, the gut microbiome, what the healthiest “diet” looks like, and simple tips to make healthy eating and living something that is effortless and sustainable. Whether your health and nutrition have been on the back burner, or you are actively trying to eat and live healthier, this webinar is the jumpstart you need to develop lifelong healthy eating habits and reach your health and wellness goals.  

Reading & Understanding Food Labels: How to Make Healthy Food Choices and Take the Stress out of Grocery Shopping

Date: October 20, 2021 

Time: 7:00 pm PST

A typical food label is jam packed with information. While most of it is there to help us make informed decisions, some of it can be misleading, and labels can be confusing and stressful if you don’t have a basic understanding of nutrition or are not sure what to look for. For many, this results in them skipping the label all together, or, simply relying on the sneaky marketing messages plastered across the front of the package. 

At first glance of a food package you are bombarded by claims of “high protein”, “low fat”, “heart healthy” and “whole grain,” despite what you might see on the box. Flip the package over and the nutrition facts table is a jumble of numbers and terms that most of the population does not fully understand…and rightly so! One day we are told that fat is bad and the next day we are adding butter to our coffee. Then there is the ingredient list, which provides the best insight into what a particular food item is composed of, but can also be deceiving and leave us with more questions than answers.  

Take the stress out of grocery shopping by learning the basics of reading and understanding food labels, including health claims, nutrient content claims, the nutrition facts table, organic and non-GMO labeling, and the ingredient list.  Participate in this free webinar to gain a basic understanding of food labels and the expertise needed to confidently navigate the grocery store and make healthy food choices for yourself and your family!

Both webinars will be conducted by Christy De Jaegher who is a Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach as well as Occupational Therapist at Panorama Wellness Group. They will be conducted live over zoom and are 1 hour in length with and additional 15 minutes for questions. Book now to secure your spot! For more information please contact Christy at

Christy De Jaegher, RHN, OT

As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist with a background in occupational therapy, I offer a unique and holistic approach to mental health optimization. I look into potential nutritional and hormonal imbalances contributing to the symptoms, and make evidence-based diet, supplement and lifestyle recommendations that address the root cause. I also work with clients to develop coping strategies and improve their engagement and enjoyment in valued and meaningful activities. These services perfectly complement the counselling services that you may already be receiving, and are particularly effective if you are looking for evidence-based, natural treatment options, either in addition to or in lieu of medication.

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