ICBC Support

When you have survived a car accident in the Lower Mainland, your life has been changed in so many ways.  Sometimes you recover from the accident fairly quickly.  Other times your body, mind and emotions decide that this was just a bit too much and need a lot longer to recover.

We have found that when you have been in a car accident or been hit by a car, the emotional side of the experience is just as bad or worse than the physical side.

Will you ever be able to drive again?

How can you get over the fear of being in the same intersection or pulling onto the same entrance onto highway 1?

How will you feel safe as the passenger of a vehicle when all you can imagine is that every car that comes close is going to run into you again.

And then there’s the physical side of things.  You may find that your week is now taken up by all of the appointments that you have to keep.

You want to have fun again.  You wonder if life will ever get back to normal again.  And if you can’t, then how are you going to adjust when nothing makes sense any more?

That’s where the team at Panorama Wellness Group come in.

We provide counselling and acupuncture services to help you make adjustments and get back to living.

As of May 2021, the Enhanced Care by ICBC will provide you to better access to a number of benefits to help you in the healing process after your accident. 

Counselling after a motor vehicle accident

After you have survived a motor vehicle accident in the Fraser Valley, you (or your family and friends) may notice some differences in the way that you are currently coping:

  • Fear or anxiety inside your car or when thinking about driving

  • New phobias

  • Depression

  • Hopelessness and lack of purpose

  • Guilt and shame – even if the accident wasn’t your fault

  • Withdrawing from the people around you because “they don’t get it”

  • Intrusive memories, flashbacks, or nightmares

  • Avoiding the activities that you used to get pleasure out of

  • Irritability or angry with yourself, the people around you, or the situation you now find yourself in

  • Confusion or difficulty focusing on the task at hand

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle tension

  • You startle easy or feel like you’re always uptight or nervous

The details

ICBC coverage for our services consists of 12 sessions per service as long as you start within 12 weeks of your accident.  If it has been longer than that, we can help you request the same amount of support along with your doctor.

We are able to direct bill for these services, so unless you miss a session with less than 48 hours notice, you don’t have to worry about submitting receipts and waiting to get reimbursed.

If you and your counsellor get to the end of 12 sessions and it feels like you need some further support, we are able to advocate for you and request further sessions. 

Ask your adjuster for more details.  In order to book a session using your ICBC benefits, the basic information we need is your ICBC claim number, the name of your adjuster, your date of birth and the date of your accident.

Are you ready to seek help following your ICBC accident? We are here for you.