Five Effective Coping Skills and How to Use Them

What are coping skills and why should we have them?

 Coping skills are techniques that we can use to help us manage or process our emotions. It is good to have coping skills that you may use in times of need. For example, if you are struggling with an event, a conversation, or have experienced something that may trigger your emotions, then having some skills to cope and manage those emotions can support you to regulate yourself and bring yourself in to a less stressful position.

Benefits of using coping skills

There are many benefits of having coping skills. They can be skills that are used in stressful times that you rely on to support you as and when needed. Coping skills can support you to problem solve and to manage your emotions. Some skills can involve physical activity of some form, or it may require less physical engagement.


Relaxation Skills

Relaxation is known as a coping skill. This can include mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, or Yoga.

Mindfulness meditation slows you to work on trying to get yourself in to the present moment. There are some videos, podcasts and resources you may find and use that can allow you to try and practice mindfulness meditation.

Tips for mindfulness meditation:

  • Try to be in a quiet space where you are unlikely to be disturbed or distracted.

  • Ensure your cell phone and any other devices are on silent or turned off and away from you, visibly at least.

  • Choose a time in the day where you are not feeling rushed to complete mindfulness meditation.

  • Have some space physically to move in and perhaps attempt mindfulness meditation in a comfortable tidy environment.

Deep breathing

Breathing itself is so simple and something that we do unconsciously. Having the correct technique can allow you to regulate your emotions and to use them as a coping skill. One example that is popular is box breathing.

Box Breathing – How to do it:

  • Picture a box, four equivalent sides, this allows us to remember four steps.

  • You would then need to pick a number, preferably the number four or five works wonders, so we could pick the number four.

  • Breathe in for four seconds (Step one)  

  • Hold your breath for four seconds (Step two).

  • Breathe out for four seconds (Step three).

  • Hold for four seconds (Step four).


 You should try to aim to repeat this approximately five times and you hopefully will realize there is a significant difference in how you feel!


Reading can be powerful and used as a coping skill. This is also a healthy coping skill that can allow you to escape, become relaxed and even distracted from the stress you have.

What should I read?

  • Choose a book that may be beneficial or supportive to your situation. For example, you may choose to read a fiction book that could be adventurous, magical or fantasy. This may distract you if you had experienced something that was upsetting you.

  • You may choose to read a non-fiction book that could perhaps be inspiring, or allow you to gain knowledge in a topic that you may have an interest to learn, and develop in.

  • You may decide to read out loud or quietly, and the number of pages or chapters could be dependent on your need or time.

 Physical activity

This can be walking, or it could involve more rigorous challenges to your body, such as going to the gym and completing a workout routine.

What type of physical activity can I do as a coping skill?

  • Walking outdoors for a minimum of 20 minutes can give you an opportunity to connect with nature and disconnect with any current challenges or stress.

  • Cardiovascular exercises

  • High Intensity Interval Training or Aerobic exercises

  • Fun hobbies such as Tennis, Soccer, Hockey, or Taekwondo


Being creative can support you to use your body and mind to express yourself and to allow yourself to manage and work through emotions and stress.

Creative skills that can be used as coping skills:

-       Listening to music

-       You could also create music if you have instruments.

-       Creating art. This can include drawing, painting, sculpting etc.

-       Writing poetry, story, or journaling

-       Cooking, cleaning, or decorating

If you are curious about these coping skills, or others that might be a good fit for you, please reach out to one of us at Panorama Wellness Group. I offer in-person counselling at our Surrey, BC office and have immediate availability. As a social worker I am able to offer my services without having to charge GST and also have my services covered by most extended healthcare benefits plans.

Panorama Wellness Group

This blog was written by one of our team members. If you would like more information, please reach out to us at


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